Joy Behar Compares Christianity to Mental Illness — What About Islam? – IOTW Report

Joy Behar Compares Christianity to Mental Illness — What About Islam?


Vice President Mike Pence delivering a jaw-dropping rebuke of ABC television after “The View” host Joy Behar compared Christianity to mental illness.

“To have ABC maintain a broadcast forum that compared Christianity to mental illness is just wrong,” Pence said Wednesday on C-SPAN. “It is simply wrong for ABC to have a television program that expresses that kind of religious intolerance.”

“It’s one thing to talk to Jesus. It’s another thing when Jesus talks to you. That’s called mental illness, if I’m not correct, hearing voices,” Behar declared.


How about footsteps? You hearing footsteps Joy?

29 Comments on Joy Behar Compares Christianity to Mental Illness — What About Islam?

  1. The Left hates the Truth an that is why it is so easy for them to mock Christ and gravitate towards or side with Islam and other religions. Islam is not seen as a threat, in part, because they don’t assume that it could be true. However, knowing the Christianity is most likely true, they can not take it upon themselves to see the need for salvation. They cant accept that they are fallen and flawed.

  2. ChristianPDX — I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to tell you how very much we enjoyed listening to you on U.S. & Eh? this week. Mr. Pinko is right, you would make an outstanding permanent addition to their show. The historical analyses you bring to the discussion (on every subject!) provides a big hunk of food-for-thought. Really, really enjoy hearing them. Thanks!!

  3. The Jesus in the pic is false because it isn’t representative of Him NOW.

    The TRUE Lord Christ paid ONCE for ALL our sins. He then rose again to justify forever all who believe that good news.

    From that moment 2,000 years ago, He was never to suffer and die ever again. No need. That work is DONE, so He hasn’t been on a cross since Calvary and isn’t going back on one, not even “re-presented” in a useless piece of bread.

    Behar could join the church with that idol up front, bow before it, pray to it to save her, and still just as surely go to the Lake of Fire as now cuz it ain’t Him. It is a false Christ.

  4. I would agree that it is strange to hear the voice of God in one’s life.

    But if you don’t come to understand it you will be forever forsaken.

    It takes a willingness to still one’s own voice and desires and to earnestly listen and discern God calling to you in a personal relationship.

    God created us so that we could known Him and His awesome love for His creation. He is perfection calling out to a world that rejected Him in favor of false gods and selfishness.

    He asks for us to commit to seeking out and following His voice.

    Behar’s comments are a pander to this world and it’s own pettiness wrapped up in idolatry and rejection of God’s voice.

    BTW Omaroosa is even worse as she is using the sensationalism of saying bad things about others for personal gain (slander, false witness, and gossip are failures related to the Ten commandments of God).

  5. Scornful comments like hers, although she’d never admit it, is likely because she harbors some inner anger about her lot in life or some perceived slight.
    And although she wants us to believe she doesn’t accept that god exists, she is directing her ire for his attention.

  6. organgrinder — So true, what you say. D’Souza talks about this very thing in his presentation to churches about God and peoples’ relationships with Him. Anyone who doesn’t simply ignore God, as most normal atheists do, but instead makes it a personal crusade to convince others to not believe are usually harboring an anger toward the very God they purport does not exist. That is why I pray, especially, for these who, in their heart of hearts, actually do believe there is God. At least there’s something to work with.

  7. The LSM has seen viewers decline for 58 years. Coincidence? I think not! They hate America and Americans! Some Americans , believe it or not, love America. So over the last 58 years more and more have stopped watching LSM . IMHO rightly so!

  8. Is there any valid reason that Joy Behar appears daily on TV? Seriously.
    Is she entertaining? Informative? Qualified?!
    She consistently spouts out hateful opinions, she has the voice of a wood chipper, she looks nasty…. nothing soothing, intelligent, or consensus-creating about her in the least.
    And what has she accomplished in her life, to speak with any authority at all, on ANY subject??

    Apparently, she is willing to take ABC’s money and be a nasty attack dog, promoting an Agenda, which is destructive to people’s mental health and society’s stability. Filthy whore of the worst kind, a soul crusher.

  9. Joy, God spoke to me yesterday.
    He did it in a quiet realization after prayer.
    I had asked for advice on dealing with a friend. The advice came during prayer, just like someone answering my question in a conversation. I did not hear thunder. I did not observe bushes on fire. I did not hear a voice.
    Just a quiet inspiration on how to solve this particular problem.
    Come get me.

  10. Super Toe, I’m with you. I will never ever understand the “Christian” attacking other Christians. Perhaps there is an underlying question to what they believe? So they must knock others so they feel better about themselves? Sad, for I fear it harms them.

  11. The evil mentally ill fucking Caucasian nigger Jew bitch pedophile lesbian racist has a right to free speech, and freedom of thought.

    See what I did there? We have the right to say a string of obscenities. It doesn’t matter who we attack, it doesn’t matter what we think.

    Pray for those who love us and those who hate us.

  12. I have a very close friend who got saved in a psych ward and even did a brief stint in a state hospital. God has done a BREATHTAKING MIRACLE in his life through mental illness that has even left professionals in the psychiatric field in awe at how well he has done. And you can thank Jesus Christ for all that. And you would NEVER know any of that unless he told you.

    Sit Joy down in front of him and let him school her fat ass.

  13. Guess I’m crazy. Together with my church family, we may be crazy but we are full of love and joy, we support each other, lift one another up, laugh and cry together, and look forward to one day being in the presence of our Lord and Savior. What a great way to live!

  14. Behar better be listening for footsteps behind her. Jesus is one of the more important prophets in Islam, perhaps second only to Mohammed so to insult him in such a way is to risk a Mullah issuing a Fatwa on Behar’s head. Just hope the knife they use is sharp Joy, it’s quicker that way. Oh, and smile for the camera.

  15. Toe,

    “Grool, How dare you insult our Lord and those of us who believe in the REAL Presence of Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.”

    If He has to keep dying to keep paying for your sins, 1 Peter 3:18 and Hebrews 9:26 are dead wrong. Look them up.

    Choose wisely what you stake your undying soul on…God’s Word, or a human church.

  16. Make My Day,

    I’ve worked trimming tree for 3 years. I can tell you, working the wood-chipper is more pleasant than listening to the hags on the View.

    I keep thinking at some point the hypocrisy of the left will reach a tipping point and the nation will have an epiphany of how morally and intellectually bankrupt the left is but nothing seems to trigger that.

    When it comes to matters of faith the important thing is we all agree on about 90% (that would include our Jewish cousins to rolling on the floor, foaming at the mouth Holly Rollers and I say that will all respect)and we can agree to disagree on the 10%. Among close friends we can tease each other on “their” Heretic differences but as we are all adults we can still respect and love each other. The only scripture I will cite is Mathew 7:1 (judge not least ye be judge) and openly lament that the hags on the View would claim that as their highest virtue all the while and at the same time transgressing it the most egregiously (and being too stupid to realize it).

  17. Nothing so soothing and unifying as a discussion on religion, to be followed by the discussion on gun control with a side of politics thrown in for good measure.

    Having said that it should be noted that the regulars on “The View” do have an inside track on “mental illness.”

  18. God loves Joy Behar, that’s why he’s speaking to her, right now. God speaks to her heart, through his Word and Christians who witness and pray for her every day.
    I get her demonic feuled anger. Her mental health is negatively affected by evil, which is typical of the lost. She’s blind to the truth. Yes, prayimg for Joy is being obedience to God – a very good thing, but she has free will and may mever know salvation – yes, a personal relationship with the True and Living God.

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