Joy Behar Says Rush Was a Fake, Fooling Us In Pursuit of Money – IOTW Report

Joy Behar Says Rush Was a Fake, Fooling Us In Pursuit of Money

35 Comments on Joy Behar Says Rush Was a Fake, Fooling Us In Pursuit of Money

  1. She’s projecting her own scam onto our hero.

    Secession is our only way out, guys. Gun grabs are being planned. Troops are already in the DC streets. AND: Pelosi will be president by the end of the year. Time is running out.

  2. I seem to recall Rush skewering Behar and her fellow crones every now and then. She should be thanking him, because many Rush listeners would otherwise never have heard of her and her insipid show.

  3. I recommend that we ignore the totally predictable hate that was expected from leftist haters. I simply have no interest in their thoughts. They are not insightful. Nor entertaining. They are trying to bring attention to themselves because they realize they lead empty and meaningless lives and nobody of quality gives a fuck what they think.

  4. In a world where fakes abound, Rush was an original—the real deal. That B-ho didn’t like what he had to say only serves to confirm, once again, what we already knew about her.

  5. As a matter of fact(s)…fuck the rest of those hags.

    They talk about money?

    It’s getting more difficult to ‘hide’ my contempt for this gutter scum.

    I decided I am not going to watch that propoganda…

    Not clicking it…


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