Joy Reid said she “won’t touch anything from Wikileaks ” because they can be fake. (The actual reason she won’t do Wikileaks stories is that she is a left-wing hack, a knob gobbler, and will never do a story that puts her party in a negative light. She is not a journalist.)
Assange set her straight, explaining that DKIM verification proves the emails that are published on Wikileaks are exactly how they were sent.
This is her “professional” response.

“In the meantime, I’m blocking your creepy ass.”
Um, maybe the fact that the neither the DNC nor the Hillary Campaign issued a denial about the authenticity of the emails is proof enough? What would this “journalist” consider authentic? Inquiring minds want to know.
It’s gonna be impossible to block your fat black ass from the rest of us Joyless.
Joy Reid to Julian Assange: “Why don’t you come out of your hiding place and try your harassment right here in the U.S.?
Julian Assange to Joy Reid: “Because I don’t want to be assassinated in the street like Seth Rich.”
Another triumph of affirmative action.
Joy Reid: still hoping someone somewhere will mistake her for Lesley Jones, so she can finally get some attention.
She’s a carpet that Need to be Vacuumed !
Affirmative action SheBoon.
Joy: “Is it in yet?”
Julian: “I don’t know”
So… I publicly call you a liar. You publicly tell everyone, in the same venue where I called you a liar, how they can mathematically prove, yes, you really are a liar (or, maybe not). And that makes you a creepy ass stalker. What a wondrous time to be alive (hat tip to “IGY”).
Poor Joy Ride, the ad hominem hominid. It’s hard to shout people down and cut them off on Twitter, like she does on TV.
“In the meantime, I’m blocking your creepy ass”
That’s Libtard for you win and I don’t want to play anymore
Joy Reid? I prefer Jerry Reed, may he rest in peaceful good ol’ boy heaven.
Impressed with his answer as to why he won’t come to the US. Along those lines, anyone wanna guess how long before Podesta does himself in? He knows which closets Hillary’s skeletons are hanging in. If the FBI gives him clemency for the goods on Hildabeast, he’ll be gone in a few days.
Easy to defeat a liberal. Just stick facts in their face, then watch them change the subject to something else and try to put you on the defensive.
“Wikileaks is fake, so I can’t go negative on Hillary.”
“No it’s actually authentic, even the FBI says so.”
“Oh you’re a stalker!”
Whatever bitch…..
What I like about Wikileaks? Nobody has proven them wrong, NOBODY.
Joy is a Communist. “By any means necessary” is just another way of saying “the end justifies the means”. I’ll bet Joy and Mika are good friends.
Why be angry if it’s fake? According to him, it isn’t.
So get the story straight democrats, it’s fake and nothing to worry about, it’s real, and offended private emails were leaked. -not both.