Joy Reid’s Hidden Homophobic Slurs Have Been Unearthed – IOTW Report

Joy Reid’s Hidden Homophobic Slurs Have Been Unearthed

Let the bastards live, and DIE, by their own words.

Joy Reid has got to go, no?


MSNBC Host Joy Reid Wrote Numerous Anti-Gay Articles on Her Old Blog.

Recently resurfaced internet archives show political commentator Joy Reid wrote a dozen blog posts in 2007, 2008, and 2009 that contained homophobic conspiracies and anti-gay jokes.

As first resurfaced by Twitter user Jamie_Maz and reported by Paste Magazine, Reid wrote numerous bigoted blog posts smearing, mocking, and attacking former Florida governor Charlie Crist. These rants included calling Crist “Miss Charlie” and sarcastically using the tags “gay politicians” and “not gay politicians” — despite the fact that the twice-married, heterosexual man has never come out as gay.

Reid went on to spread the conspiracy theory that Crist was actually a closeted gay man who refused to come out for fear that his sexual orientation would hurt his political career. Additionally, the AM Joy host claims Crist’s marriages to women are part of this elaborate cover up.

As bad as the conspiracy theory is in itself, Reid doesn’t just suggest Crist is gay — she assumes he is gay and proceeds to seemingly deride him for it. “Miss Charlie, Miss Charlie. Stop pretending, brother. It’s okay that you don’t go for the ladies,” wrote Reid in a 2007 post.

In another, Reid wrote, “Now that he’s married to a girl, Charlie Crist is being sought out for all KINDS of good stuff… [The GOP] are wooing Miss Charlie to run.”

One of the more disturbing examples of Reid’s alleged bigotry is her theory that Crist spent his honeymoon checking-out men and dreading physical relations with his wife. “I can just see poor Charlie on the honeymoon, ogling the male waiters and thinking to himself, ‘god, do I actually have to see her naked…?’” Reid wrote.

The same blog post included a joke about Crist having sex with Senator John McCain of Arizona — who she claims is the reason the former Florida governor got married to another woman in the first place, as it would somehow help him become McCain’s 2008 running mate.


12 Comments on Joy Reid’s Hidden Homophobic Slurs Have Been Unearthed

  1. The homos will remain absolutely silent. Muzlimes are chopping their heads off and they are still defending them, I dont think they will be too upset about blog posts from a black homophobe.

  2. Aw Snap! A “Trump” tape has emerged.

    Time for a “WOODSHED” apology! I’ll help.
    ⚫ That was a long time ago.
    ⚫ I misspoke
    ⚫ I’m sorry if I offended anyone
    ⚫ That’s not me
    ⚫ I’ve become a different person since then
    ⚫ I was taken out of context
    ⚫ Some of my best friends are gay
    ⚫ Dindunuffin

    Does that cover all the bases?

  3. Respectfull disagree, Boobie:
    the More hitting below the – *sparkle* – belt, the BETTER.

    It’s not only justified against the perverts but,
    as Fur says, scorch the Left with its own fiery FLAMING “rules.”

  4. She’ll lie and say it was Trump’s blog trying to set her up. LOL. She’s a liar and a psycho. I doubt she will own up to anything in her life. If she does, it’s probably snowing in hell.

  5. This isn’t surprising and isn’t likely to cause much of a stir. She’s a black racist and a left wing progressive with a show on msnbc. It’s part of her schtick and the reason she has a show it’s sure not because of all those blacks viewers that are watching in the morning.


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