Joy Villa: The left shows its hypocrisy yet again on race and diversity – IOTW Report

Joy Villa: The left shows its hypocrisy yet again on race and diversity

BPR: This is stunning—but it’s another example of how hypocritical the so-called “tolerant left” has become on issues of race and diversity today. Boston University history professor Ibram X. Kendi on Saturday accused President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett of being a racist “white colonizer” because she adopted two black children from Haiti and is using them as “props.”

Barrett, 48, has seven children with her husband, Jesse Barrett. Five are their own biological children; two are adopted. Their youngest child has special needs.

But whatever the particular details of their diverse family makeup, these are their seven beloved children—and the kids should be off-limits. (Isn’t that what people said about the two young Obama girls when Barack Obama was elected president?) At a time when liberals have been up in arms about racial issues in our country, too many on the left are going squarely against their own views in a blatant attempt to slam Trump’s pick for the High Court simply because she’s a conservative.

I’ve dealt with issues of race and diversity my entire life. Last week, I testified on Capitol Hill to the House Judiciary Committee on the topic of “diversity and the representation of people of color in the media.” I explained how I’m of mixed race. I’m Black and Choctaw Native-American on my mother’s side; I’m Italian and Argentinian on my father’s side. I’m proud of my diverse background and I believe in diversity. It’s one of the great strengths of America. It’s part of what makes us strong.

But nearly four years ago, once I publicly shared my support for Trump, the weirdest and most wrongful thing happened: I became a target of the left. I had never been blacklisted as an artist until I came out as a conservative. How is that acceptable among those who believe in diversity? more

6 Comments on Joy Villa: The left shows its hypocrisy yet again on race and diversity

  1. Wow, these people have severe mental problems. They find ways to explain anything to their benefit, no matter how twisted their pretzel logic.

    Trump landslide. Even the COVID-19 thing will surrender to him. Cannot be stopped!


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