JP Morgan execs met with Epstein multiple times after 2013 – IOTW Report

JP Morgan execs met with Epstein multiple times after 2013

despite claims they closed his accounts after his conviction as a sex offender.

The new revelations come after court documents showed JPMorgan executives knew Epstein’s comings and goings so well that “they laughed about him being out with 16-year-old Miley Cyrus.”

P M: Several senior bankers from JPMorgan Chase met with infamous child predator Jeffrey Epstein after 2013, despite claims that the company ended its relationship with the convicted sex offender that year.

According to the Wall Street Journal, who spoke with “people familiar with the matter”, said that three Chase bosses, Justin Nelson, John Duffy, and Mary Erdoes met with Epstein in his New York City townhouse after 2013.

JPMorgan Chase started banking in 1998 with Epstein, who was convicted for procuring child prostitution in 2008 in Florida. 

Top lieutenant to Chief Executive Jamie Dimon, Mary Erdoes, visited the townhouse in 2011 and 2013. She had said previously that her only memory of Epstein was meeting him the day she let him go as a client.

A banker for Epstein at the financial giant, Justin Nelson, visited the townhouse approximately six times between 2013 and 2017. Nelson also visited Epstein’s New Mexico ranch in 2016. MORE

4 Comments on JP Morgan execs met with Epstein multiple times after 2013

  1. If or when will the Corrupt DOJ & FBI release the Clients of Epstein’s sex for influence and/or blackmail racket and Hunter’s lap top?
    How many more years will it take for the DOJ & FBI to once again have integrity?


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