Juan Williams: ‘Sometimes a roller coaster goes off the tracks’ – IOTW Report

Juan Williams: ‘Sometimes a roller coaster goes off the tracks’

FOX: Juan Williams defended the Democratic Party from criticism in the wake of the Iowa caucuses fiasco Monday, saying the “process is always messy.”

“The reality is that the nominating process is always a messy process and it’s always like a roller coaster,” Williams said on “The Five” Monday. “And sometimes a roller coaster goes off the tracks. And sometimes you think Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee and then it’s Donald Trump.”

Ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, Williams predicted that the turbulence on the Democratic side will settle down once a nominee emerges.

“We don’t know where this is going,” Williams said. “But once there’s a nominee, I think the dynamic shifts and you stop talking about that dysfunction, you start talking about Democrats coalescing behind a candidate.”

Co-host Katie Pavlich disagreed with Williams, arguing that “momentum doesn’t just apply to individual candidates. It applies to the party as a whole.”

“When you have the Iowa caucus vote still being in disarray, they still can’t figure out whether all the data and information was in the voting system,” Pavlich said. more

19 Comments on Juan Williams: ‘Sometimes a roller coaster goes off the tracks’

  1. Nobody ever thought Jeb was going to be the nominee, Juan. Even Jeb himself. Come on, Juan…”lose the primary to win the general without violating your principles.” That roller coaster never went up.

  2. Sometimes four locomotives, pulling 200 rail cars, go off the tracks, start on fire, kill the engineers, brake men and create a mess that takes weeks to clean up, months to investigate and years to litigate. Face it Juan, your parties train wreck is just beginning. MAGA! KAG!

  3. “And sometimes you think Jeb Bush is going to be the nominee.”

    Nobody ever thought that. Not even Jeb.

    Dammit, Juan, what part of “lose the nomination to win the general” is glancing off of your sloping brow?

  4. This is planned chaos. It is serving to boost confusion, disruption, and misery following which the establishment DNC will bring in the party savior on the ticket.

    And, of course, Bernie will be bought off. Again.

    This planned chaos was the lesser of two evils, given that a huge noncompliant Bernie leftwing of the party is causing so much trouble.

    From the commies’ standpoint, it’s still okay too. They too plan for chaos and disruption, although they recognize that it usually has to get very very bad before they can do their “revolution”. They keep building their “base” and propaganda’d influence, and each time they try they are stronger and stronger and the unwashed ignorant masses make things worse and worse until, they hope, they reach their critical mass. Watch out for 2024.

  5. For all the books Wa-Hon Williams has written about the black struggle and black history in American, one would think he’d be ecstatic about POTUS Trump’s record at this point. But no. What’d Wa-Hon do? He wrote a book titled “What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?” — a book about how Trump will derail all the good done for blacks by the Democrats.

  6. Juan looks like gaunt death on a cracker.

    Lol. At no point did it ever appear that Jeb! was going to be the nominee. He’s off his rocker if he can, even in retrospect, posit that Yeb ever had support outside of the media who loves Republicrat sacrificial lamb for breakfast.

  7. Fox must be paying Juan a ton of money to say stupid things.
    I just can’t understand how anyone whose family escaped a Communist thug like his did can support the Democrats when all they do is spout Communist policy.


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