Juanita Broaddrick – “Hillary is WORSE than herpes!” – IOTW Report

Juanita Broaddrick – “Hillary is WORSE than herpes!”

I love Juanita Broaddrick.

I #BelieveHer, and she #Persists in taking it to the scum known as the Clintons.


Comparing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to herpes was enough to get a Fox News guest dropped from her segment, but Juanita Broaddrick believes the comparison did not go far enough.

Citing The Daily Caller’s coverage of the segment, Broaddrick tweeted, “Not awkward at all. Hillary is worse than Herpes.”


7 Comments on Juanita Broaddrick – “Hillary is WORSE than herpes!”

  1. Just how bad is Hillery?

    Anal warts?

    Then she’s so bad preparation-h doesn’t even work on her.

    She’s so bad nobody cheats off her papers!
    She’s so bad not even the dog wags its tail when she comes in the room.

    She’s so bad…

  2. I miss Wendell Wilkie. As a perennial loser he eventually realized that he had enough humiliation and exited the stage.

    As a confirmed masochist, Hillary has been abused by everyone for so long that the beaten dog keeps showing up at the back porch for her meal. And another beat down.

    As long as the beatings continue she won’t go away. Nothing else makes sense.

  3. she’s queen of the world, and she will not stop until the world acknowledges the fact……and, yeah……she’s just like herpes….young lady should never have apologized……..


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