Judge Awards Las Vegas Shooting Victims $800M Mass Settlement – IOTW Report

Judge Awards Las Vegas Shooting Victims $800M Mass Settlement

DanBongino: On Wednesday, a judge awarded a mass settlement to more than 4,000 victims and relatives of the mass shooting at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas in 2017.

According to the Washington Examiner:

Clark County District Court Judge Linda Bell ordered MGM Resorts International and its insurers to pay out $800 million in damages to 4,400 people involved in the shooting, which took 58 lives during an open-air country music concert below the hotel on Oct. 1, 2017.

Mandalay Bay and the concert venue are owned by MGM Resorts, which accepted no liability for the shooting, and will pay $45 million of the $800 million awarded. Insurers of the global hospitality and entertainment company will foot the rest of the bill. MORE HERE

18 Comments on Judge Awards Las Vegas Shooting Victims $800M Mass Settlement

  1. A coverup or a botched investigation aside what was the Hotel guilty of that spawned such a huge settlement? It didn’t say at the Examiner and for that money I would think it would have to be a gross failure of something.

  2. scr_north The only thing I could figure where the hotel is liable is when someone let him , I think, bring up guns in a service elevator. But I’m not sure. They’re paying 45mil for it, whatever they did.
    I wonder if their insurance is going to drop them. lol

  3. If you know enough to decide who has to pay how much in liability/damages claims, then you can tell us how and why you got to those figures.

    Now that it’s been three years, how about releasing a final report you incompetent, crooked dickheads?

  4. How was MGM resorts responsible for the shooting that took place? I see the decision. I don’t see the justification.

    They have money and insurance. Is that the ruling?

  5. Probably the same company that screwed 179,000 people out of there life insurance because Covid was listed on their death certificate. 179,000 x $50K = $8,950,000,000. $50K is a low/conservative amount. So they paid out 10%. Follow the money.

  6. The lawyers take their contingency fee off the top of the settlement. 1/3 is common but it can range from 25-75% they can also deduct their fees in some cases separately.
    Then the settlement goes to any unpaid medical bills. Then to add insult to injury they will get a 1099 for any portion of the settlement that was deemed to be punitive. If it’s split evenly 4400 ways they start with 181K each. In the end they’ll be lucky to receive 50K of it. But the lawyers and the government will sleep more comfortably and everybody else will pay more for fee’s and services to cover increased insurance costs.

  7. Uncle Al
    OCTOBER 1, 2020 AT 10:54 AM
    “@MJA — Check your math, please. $800 million divided by 4,400 people comes to a bit under $182 thousand per person on average.”

    …well, there’s this…

    “A recent study found that attorneys get paid the lion’s share of class-action money, from as little as 85 percent of the amount to as much as more than 99 percent.”

    …so, of that $182,000, you take home…
    $27,000 if regular lawyers are involved;

    $1820.00 if Stan Chesly is involved.

    …now, minus the 50% the government gets, each victim will receive:

    …make sure you donate it to the Democrat Lawyer running for office of your choice…

  8. I have several friends who were there who are scarred for life from this. Two of them were splattered with the blood and brains of strangers who were standing right next to them. Money won’t fix their PTSD, but it’s infuriating to read that lawyers will get most of it.

  9. @MJA; thanks although I would think that he would have had them packed away in luggage, a lot of luggage to be sure but then that’s likely why they allowed him to use the service elevator. So I wonder where/who this guys money went to?

  10. Understand that dead people are dead.
    Understand that others were psychologically affected.

    DON’T understand how it’s the fault of the insurers and the resort.

    Now everyone who buys insurance will pay for this – this abomination to enrich some maggot lawyers and judges. Judge could have ruled (with equal “justice”) that the Chinese gov’t was at “fault” – or Iran.

    izlamo delenda est …


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