Daily Caller: Army Colonel Jeffrey Nance, the presiding judge in the case of 31-year-old Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, plans to spend the rest of Thursday and Friday morning deliberating on Bergdahl’s sentencing, according to the Washington Post.
Impassioned closing arguments by the prosecution and the defense ended around noon Thursday, and an announcement of Bergdahl’s punishment is expected to come as early as Friday.

Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy last month, charges that stemmed from the sergeant’s abandonment of his post in Afghanistan in 2009 before he was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network for five years. These charges carry the potential for life imprisonment as a punishment. According to the Washington Post, the military judge has wide discretion in sentencing, because Bergdahl pleaded guilty and did not strike a plea agreement with prosecutors.
The prosecution’s closing arguments Thursday morning drew attention to the wounds that fellow soldiers endured while looking for Bergdahl, recommending a prison sentence of 14 years along with a punitive discharge. According to the prosecution, Bergdahl has a history of faking mental disorders to escape responsibilities and obligations, and he alone is to blame for the consequences of his desertion. Although Bergdahl on Monday apologized to the troops injured searching for him, the prosecution contended that this in no way absolves him of responsibility.
“Sgt. Bergdahl does not have a monopoly on suffering as a result of his choices,” prosecutor Major Justin Oshana (U.S. Army) said Thursday morning, according to ABC News. “The difference is all the suffering stems from his choice.”
I don’t hold out a lot of hope for justice.
Justice would be a guilty verdict and a hanging in the public square.
Everything short of that conclusion is bullshit.
He’s NOT a Sergeant; he was improperly promoted after deserting in the face of the enemy. He’s guilty of the desertion, he admitted as much. He should have been administratively reduced to the rank he was wearing at the time of his desertion. Then any further reduction in rank could be punitive along with his prison sentence. And return the Corporal and Sgt’s pay he improperly received.
I cant get passed the video of The Obamanation and this guys Mooslem looking parent marching away from the Podium Of Extreme Bull Shit Arm In Arm. How many recruits have pulled this bull shit? One. Him. Hang his ass.
If Killary was president this wouldn’t have gone to trial.
You know what pisses me off about this prick more than anything?
Sure I hope he gets shot by firing squad. but it took me two years to get Speck 4, and this prick got promoted to Sergeant while AWOL.
and causing to lives and injury to others searching for him .
Gimmeafuckinbreat! Mr. Trump clean out the fags in charge of the Army.
Desertion in time of war is a capital offense. Just ask Eisenhower.
How did this weak sister get through boot? Has something changed
All fingers point to the Queef in Chief. Will that prancing traitor ever get served justice?
If it’s not a bullet to the back of the head, then I will live with either life or 50 years.
Maybe they’ll give him a pass if he issues a statement that he’s now living life as a gay man.
Whatever he gets it should go triple for Obama who was complicit in this mess.
The Generals and the perfumed princes in the pentagon abdicated their responsibility the weeks before Berdahl returned to the US.
Nothing I have seen or heard indicates a change of thought by the politically appointed generals.
“A Chapter of Military Shame” in an otherwise stellar History of Honor and Sacrifice.
No, Justice will not be served anytime soon.
A facsimile of justice will be handed down with parole coming in a few years (if he goes to Prison at all).
Military justice is 90% military and 10% justice ,we used to say back in the 60s when I was in the US Army.His lawyers want the judge to consider remarks made by President Trump as biased against him.What about remarks made by Obama in the rose garden with his muslim parents ? Or remarks made by others in the Obama administration in his favor before he pled guilty ?
Bergdahl, when sentenced, is going to have a rough time in military prison. I don’t think he’s going to be the most popular person serving time. He will have to be isolated like Manning or he’ll get the shit beat out of him every time he hits the yard. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.
Daily Quiz:
What decision will best enhance the promotion potential and future career of army Colonel Jeffrey Nance?
A. Throw the book at him and sentence him to the maximum penalty?
B. Declare that he has suffered enough and sentence him to the minimum
possible sentence?
C. Accuse Pres Trump of undue interference and let the traitor walk?