Judge expresses disapproval regarding Rep. Maxine Waters remarks about Derek Chauvin trial – IOTW Report

Judge expresses disapproval regarding Rep. Maxine Waters remarks about Derek Chauvin trial

Just The News-

Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill expressed his disapproval on Monday regarding remarks made recently by U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters about the trial of former police officer Derek Chauvin. 

“I wish elected officials would stop talking about this case, especially in a manner that is disrespectful to the rule of law and to the judicial branch and our function,” Cahill stated after the jury had already been sequestered to start deliberations, according to The Hill. “If they want to give their opinions they should do so … in a manner that is consistent with their oath to the Constitution,” Cahill said.

Cahill made the remarks after Chauvin defense attorney Eric Nelson claimed that the California Democratic congresswoman’s statements might have prejudiced the jury and represent grounds for mistrial, the outlet reported. read more

37 Comments on Judge expresses disapproval regarding Rep. Maxine Waters remarks about Derek Chauvin trial

  1. in 1856 there was the Brookes-Sumner affair where a member of the house caned a senator using a switch. Maybe republicans need to be reminded of this. I’m sure Senator Kennedy would be game.

  2. Her remarks prove that it was never about a true crime or a fair trial! Throw it out and let the riots begin and may all the rioters face true justice at the end of a ?!

  3. Does this woman(?) ever conceive just how U-G-L-Y she is?. Like I said, she was allegedly convicted of UGLY some time ago and was sentenced by the judge to “Life in front of a Mirror”.

    What’s she doing in Public? I thought she was finishing out her term.

  4. “While the judge rejected the attorney’s mistrial motion, Cahill noted that the lawmaker’s words could supply the defense with “something on appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

    As Joe likes to say, that’s a big fucken deal. Anti Maxipad might have really stepped in it this time around. Ignorant Bitch.

  5. The Judge expresses disapproval? 🤔Should have slapped her with contempt of court or jury tampering. 🤨

    Big mouth really needs to be put in her place, or is that racist too? 🤔

  6. When the state police show up at home to arrest her for inciting riots, it will be noteworthy. Until then, yawn.
    We all know a black sitting female politician isn’t going to have shit happen to her, regardless of what she does.

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