Judge Kavanaugh’s righteous anger – IOTW Report

Judge Kavanaugh’s righteous anger

Patriot Retort: In the interests of full disclosure, I did not watch the testimony of the Democrat-funded accuser at yesterday’s Senate hearing.

I couldn’t bring myself to watch that circus.

The truth is, I have spent the last week or so in a blind rage – which isn’t a particularly pleasant place to be.

I used to be a Democrat. But what horrified me enough to drive me away from that party over a decade ago pales in comparison to the antics, character assassination and ugliness of what we’ve witnessed from the Democrats in the last several weeks.

It is especially infuriating that my two Senators are Chuck Schumer and that wretched, horrible creature Kirsten Gillibrand. Can you imagine being a New Yorker and having to call those two awful people? Do you know what’s it’s like to be met with condescension and irritation by the staffers who answer that call?

I’ve been watching one of my Senators jettison the Constitutional right to due process and justify it on the Senate floor.

And my anger has grown.

So as yesterday’s hearing began, I couldn’t bring myself to endure it.

Instead, I found an outlet for the rising anger that has plagued me for two weeks now. I went outside and did some landscape work. Amazing how boiling rage can counteract the limits of Lupus. I even had the strength to pull a half-dead shrub out of the ground with my bear hands.

And when I finished up, I came inside and I prayed.  more here

13 Comments on Judge Kavanaugh’s righteous anger

  1. The Demonrats have unleashed a conservative revolution. They will pay for this farce. What kind of monsters trash a good man and his family for political gain? VOTE THEM OUT IN NOVEMBER. America is supposed to be better than this.

  2. The only price that would matter is killing some of them and taking the government back through a declared civil war. Until that happens its just a bad cartoon.

  3. This.
    This, more than anything else in the entire world.
    This is the reason we need to bring back the duel.
    If you had to stand in a circle of honor, looking over a blade, or a barrel of the pistol of a man whose honor you have besmirched, knowing you could die here because the man in front of you seeks your death; perhaps it will curb the loose tongues in this society.

  4. The thing that should char his ass more than anything else is the part that Flake and other lying, deceitful snake in the grass Republicans from the Bush wing of the Party are playing in this attack on his character. And make absolutely no mistake about it, what Flake pulled today had been choreographed and was part of the scheme.

    And Lazlo,

    Those are my sentiments exactly. I firmly believe that a damn good Preston Brooks-ing is long overdue and would be exactly what is needed to restore respect and common decency to the Senate.

  5. @Lazlo: Dueling should be brought back as an option for all: men, wimmen, and LGBTQ…XYZ, y’know, in the interest of gender equality and empowerment for all victims.
    Maybe if Ms. Ford were given the opportunity to defend her virtue with a pistol instead of a curling iron and a pair of glasses, she might remember a few more details –or forget the whole thing.

  6. The Communists in Congress are both Dems and Repubs, JDHasty. They are and have always been anti-Constitution politicians. CB Ford is a CIA asset doing the agenda of undermining the US government, thus showing that the CIA is a domestic enemy. Combine that with the Communist revolutionaries in Congress and our government is under attack. So where are the oath-taking military powers vowed to defend America domestically from enemies within? The military generals controlling Trump must be laughing their way to Hell allowing all of this subversion to take place.

  7. Yesterday was a full boil pot of anger. Rage over injustice.

    Today and the next 40 days are ACTION.

    Today I got the political signs I conceived and paid for.
    Starting tomorrow they are going up.

    Channel your rage productively and execute total victory.


    The people who advocated murdering their own children inside their own body don’t give a shit about justice.

    What morals do you expect from them?

  9. Thinking this over on the way home: Lindsay, this act today by Flake is more despicable than the part of this whole charade that we have seen the Demorats play. Flake has been maneuvering behind the scenes, working with Schumer and other Democrats to spring this at just the “right” moment to inflict the most damage. This has been being coreographed and from day one bastards like Flake have been an integral part of the dance.

    Fucking establishment Republicans like Flake are vipers. They are two faced, lying hidden in the grass snakes waiting to spring and inflict their poisonous bite at just the right moment. If it were not so predictable it could be that he had an epiphany today, but at what point does the pattern no longer deserve the benefit of these repeated events being coincidental? Statistical probability just does not even suggest a snowball’s chance in hell that this event today was not taken straight out of the Democrat/ratfucker Republican playbook.

    Any other conclusion leaves credulity so far in the dust that it is no longer even visible in the rear view mirror.

  10. JDHasty, you are right. This was all a set up to arrange for Trump to be impeached. Straight subversion by Congress criminals–Dems and Repubs. The Republicans did not fight for Kavanaugh because they were working with the Dems and the CIA to take out Trump. Treasonous vipers, one and all!

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