I can save the FBI some time with one of the “witnesses” – IOTW Report

I can save the FBI some time with one of the “witnesses”

Is the FBI going to waterboard Mark Judge to “get him to talk”?

I’ll bet the left would approve of it.


Ford mentioned in her testimony that she saw Judge working at a supermarket and that he looked “sick.”

Gee, where would she ever get such information???


(via Heavy)

Conveniently, Ford remembers a detail from 36 years ago that is very self-serving. She added that her and her mother used separate doors to go into the supermarket. Why would anyone ever remember such a ridiculous detail? I guess it was important to the storyteller to not have any witnesses in her fable. Just like all her other stories, she’s always alone.

She said when she ran into Judge it was just a few weeks after she ran from a house, fearing for her life; an event that would alter her life forever, giving her anxiety and claustrophobia and PTSD. So what does she do when she sees Mark?Does she run? Does she vomit? Does she ignore him and walk quickly past?

No, she says she said hello. (!!!???????!!!)

I guess the FBI could ask Judge if he remembers Christine Ford saying hello to him when he worked at a supermarket. If he says yes that means Kavanaugh is disqualified, or something.

This is STU-PID.

41 Comments on I can save the FBI some time with one of the “witnesses”

  1. Tom, don’t count on it. By the time that they get harassed by good cop, bad cop, threats to family and friends their story will muddle so that it sounds like (or can be ginned up) they agree with Ford’s lame story. Or at least the press will explain it that way and the weak-kneed Republicans will wilt. I’m afraid that Kavanugh is toast!

  2. I’m so disgusted.
    If the Dems think their righteous fight for women’s rights (because us sisters are of a Borg mind stick together no matter what) will sway any right/center women to vote Democrat EVER again-they are even more crazy than I think they are. Women with soy boy husbands will hear cheers of, “You go girl!” but normal families will recognize the threat to their brothers, sons, Dads and husbands. If pollsters call they’ll say they intend to vote Dem but they won’t in Real Life.

  3. Progressives = MMTB ((More money than Brains, control is their mental Illness))
    Conservatives = Let go of the decencies not to beat the living s*it out of a worthless bully.
    Time to stop taking it on the cheek. The old school teaching of respect have been gone for decades. Turn about is fair play.
    Clinton was a serial rapist, not that his troll wife gave a toss about, she was too. Bill is a sociopath, Hillary is a psychopath. If you are going to bring up 36 year old investigations in a supposed even field, you better go back way further than now.

  4. @Loco, Thanks for the laugh! Even though Bush and Kerry are 2’nd cousins, wished they had those bar-scan-readers at their blood and crosses trials. When He and John was getting ‘bagged’,,,winks, regards,,

  5. Just remember, its the republicans that are really behind this unfolding this way. If the certain handful of them in power were not conspiring with the filthy scumbag demorat American ISIS, this odyssey of sickness would not be happening. The repubic theater troupe is standing in a bucket brigade handing off the 5 gallon gas cans to the demorats to burn this man down. Another week of absolute toeture to this man and his family and utter violence and chaos. The focus will be away from the bogus FBI investigation and shift completely onto the next set of liars and psychopaths and CIA plants claiming the gang rapes. By Thursday, there will be a dozen more liars demanding to testify in to the committee and the filthy traitorous repubics will cave in and agree that this next round of lying psychopaths “have a right to be heard”… and on it will go. They want Kavanaugh to withdraw on his own. Or they are hoping some antifa mental escapee kills him. Kavanaugh will not be confirmed to the court and its the repubics that are making sure of it, thats a fact.

  6. Zonga
    SEPTEMBER 28, 2018 AT 6:05 PM
    Mark Judge kills himself, 3…2..1.. the press drove him to it, film at 11

    That’s pretty disgusting. Haven’t there been a sufficient number lives ruined already in this bloody process?

    I seem to recall your outrage over remarks against the Khan Gold Star family. At least Kavenaugh never willfuly put himself in the position to be smeared.

    Where’s the decency awarded to BK?

  7. The FBI should interview Ford’s parents and siblings. Something is curious about their lack of support for their daughter and sister. Perhaps they know how she got home from that party where she was assaulted on that memorable night that nobody can remember. Also, Ford’s social media content should be fair game for the FBI to recover and review to ascertain if she was coached by her husband and friends. While they are at it, the FBI needs to find out if there were more unsettling incidents in this poor woman’s past. She might regret some of the things she said under oath yesterday, like the two doors that triggered her repressed memory of the horrific assault that none of her witnesses witnessed.

  8. What’s happening is that the Democrats are being utterly demolished. Judge Kavanaugh knew what was coming. That didn’t make it EASIER to take; my guess is that it made him ANGRIER. People have watched too much TV. You DON’T humiliate the accuser. By treating her gently, the Republicans got the votes they needed from the usual obstructionist suspects. Kavanaugh–DESPITE A GLOBAL ATTACK BY THE PRESS–made it out of committee. The Democrats and their Strumabteiling are demanding an FBI investigation. Hey look! The actual insignia of the Sturmabteiling! Fits right in with all the other logos, doesn’t it? The REASON it fits right in is that protests and screaming and fist waving and threats are all LEFTIST actions. And they always have LOGOS created by professional graphic designers. The longer this goes on, the WORSE it is for the Democrats. They’re getting their FBI investigation. “We couldn’t find any evidence that any of the accusations are true.” Kavanaugh VOLUNTEERED to endure this. Moles in the ranks of the Democrats have kept him informed of every new development. And @SenFeinstein is being flayed alive. @mitchellvii is a much better man than me, because he doesn’t erupt with THIS: “Why do you stupid bastards go to where people will say things that you KNOW will upset you?” It’s masochism. The FBI investigation is giving senators COVER to vote FOR Kavanaugh. It’s a week in which you can BOMBARD THEIR OFFICES with demands for a “Yes” vote. You didn’t even think of that, did you? It’s also a week in which OTHER STUFF can come out. About the ACCUSERS. About their LAWYERS. This IS a trap for the Democrats. The entire confirmation process was a trap. YOU are going to Think Progress and getting hysterical because leftist fanatics haven’t seen the light. THEY DON’T MATTER. “Oh, but the sheeple will–“SHUT UP, you defeatist son of a bitch. I don’t want to hear your incurable terror. PISS OFF. The greatest X-Files episode is “Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose,” Season 3, Episode 4. Peter Boyle is a psychic who the FBI is using to try and catch a serial killer. At one point the serial killer meets Clyde Bruckman and says, “You see things. You understand. Why do I do the things I do?” And Bruckman says, “You don’t get it, do you, kid? The reason you do the things you do is that you’re a homicidal maniac.” You terror-addicts don’t get it. The reason you go searching for bad news is that you’re masochists who are only happy when you’re miserable. Drama! That’s what you crave. The reality is that the Republicans F*CKED the Democrats on every level. And by having a totally useless FBI investigation that will turn up NOTHING, the Republicans give cover to senators who would otherwise vote “No.” Flake got his wish. In return, he will cooperate. So will MANY OTHERS. It’s a Trumpian business deal. The Sturmabteilung thinks it scored a massive victory. Insane. Kavanaugh made it out of committee BEFORE the FBI investigation that was demanded. He’s IN. This is the deal made: “Have an FBI show-investigation, and I’ll vote ‘Yes’.” Stop reading bullshit from people who are guaranteed to lie about what’s happening. All you’re doing is building up plaque in your circulatory system from the stress hormones. Do you WANT a heart attack? The Democrats were played. They were tricked into exposing themselves. The retribution will be unprecedented…

    ADDENDUM: @KimStrassel is brilliant, so my guess is she understands what’s happening.

    Republicans SAID that no amount of giving in would satisfy the Democrats. And NOW the Republicans are VERY DELIBERATELY proving it. “Give us an FBI investigation.” “Okay. Here you go.” “NOT GOOD ENOUGH.” This is like a scene in a movie. A hysterical, foam-spewing maniac is backing someone down the street. “You pig! You monster! I hate you!” Suddenly they stop, and the maniac sees that (s)he is out in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by shadowy figures. Someday, political historians will recognize that the Kavanaugh confirmation was the mother of all traps. It destroyed the Democratic party…


  9. @Mike Brown is an American Hero, hard to dispute your thoughts. After all the BS shoved down real voting worthy citizens. Sad that now, at least of the last election, proved (maybe) that the voter fraud will not be another reality. The cry’s of pocket lining greedy control freaks will unfortunately end., no matter of the party. The insured Us vs. Them take on it all just continues the kinder/garden/gender match. With a talented-less greedy head not wanting to support the unwanted children in any way to rid them from their basements. Not looking to twitter, or debate, just offers my take,, and appreciate feeling I can do this here. Regards to all

  10. @Mike Brown is an American Hero …

    We are done with the cavalcade of Kavanaugh smearers. The FBI show is merely a face-saving sop to the Dems, who know how bad they look right now. They need a week-long buffer zone, so that Lindsey Graham’s words on this travesty are not the last thing ringing in everyones’ ears. I’m pissed that we have bend over for Flake on this, but any stunt the Dems might try now will only damage them further. Let them dig deeper. It’s their hole.

  11. I’ll have whatever Czar is drinking, because the bottom line is the same FBI headed by the same feckless Wray, comprised of the same entrenched NeverTrumpers, will be “investigating”. Full stop.

  12. I don’t know why the FBI would investigate an unreported crime. If is is reported, I could understand, but unreported, they would be looking for the crime itself. I think that is what they call a ‘witch hunt’ and they would never do anything like that, would they?

    If, for a reason I don’t understand, other than their being told to do so, the FBI does investigate, I certainly hope they bring along the building permits when they construct their timeline. And get them to check with blumenthal about believing someone who has lied before- he’s an expert on that, ya know.

  13. AND who is to say his book is an autobiography?! Sounds more like Bret Easton Ellis and his works taking Gen X drug, alcohol and general distsatisfied life / let downs and compiling characters in a story.

    Everyone was fine with Obama and his composite GF but no one can believe an alcoholic writer would do the same?!

  14. @Czar…

    Whose idea was it to hire the nice lady with the gentle questions to horse-whisper Blasey-Ford? And who gave Kavanaugh the go-ahead to blister his Dem accusers? I think we both know.

    Remember how the building narrative after B-F finished was that K’s was virtually doomed? How everybody was wondering if the nice lady questioner might be a plant, so nice she was? By the time K started, we were PRIMED for a fireworks show, and we got not one, but two. Trump built that show, and inspired Lindsey to his own finest hour.

    I will say it again for lurking lefty trolls: Trump orchestrated the entire response to the Dem attack. Everybody did what they were told and did it well. Enjoy that thought while you seethe.

  15. Anonymous clutches the pearls


    Mark Judge is not BK. Judge is an emotionally disturbed depressed alcoholic who was a friend of BK back in the day. MARK Judge suffered from mental illness and substance abuse all of his life, he emphatically said, through his lawyer, he wants no publicity, no testimony in public, he has made his statement and wants to be left alone.

    He will be doxed, he will be hounded by the press, he will receive death threats, he might be hauled before the FBI, his mental stability will be severely disturbed.

    Because you seem so needy Anonymous, I explained sarcasm, irony and the cast of characters from my previous post.

  16. I put nothing past these cretins called Democrats. Don’t put it past these bastards to file a complaint with local and state authorities (there is no statute of limitations) against BK. They are the scum of the earth. Remember Emmett Till…he offended a white woman and the dems lynched him without due process because one must believe a Democrat.

  17. There will be a witness or two who don’t remember exactly correct. Then there will be some sort of Congressional Special Investigator who will hear different remembrances, and somebody goes to jail (Mueller, Mueller?)
    Meanwhile, the Dems have postponed this til after the fall elections.
    “Get Trump, act II”.

  18. The Dems have miscalculated this and continue to do so. They thought Trump and the GOP would attack her, they haven’t and have instead given her the red carpet treatment. They think continuing this saga is great for them in Nov instead they give Trump the thrown to be the reasonable and fair leader. Meanwhile they scream and act like chllfren and their insane base runs around in pussy hats with ‘men are trash’ T-shirts. I’m not seeing a blue wave.

  19. Think about it. What is a 15 year old girl doing at a party with older guys drinking beer and possibly sucking on a doobie or two. When I was in high school in ’64 these kids were called easy. Her parents have not come forward to support her. Why? My suspicion is there are more skeletons in the closet than they want us to know about.

  20. Pearl clutching Zonga?

    I seem to mis-recall? your incessant finger wagging the thread by conflating the almighty Khan Gold Star family deserving the level of respect as GS families who failed to stand on the stage with “I’m With Her”.

    I tend to take the seriousness of the tragedy that is the BK smear as more deserving than that of a 3,2,1 suicide joke.
    But that’s just me. Math is hard, right?

  21. @Anonymous – Your criticism of Zonga’s comment about the impending suicide of Mark Judge had nothing to do with any smear of Brett Kavanaugh. I don’t understand where you’re coming from.

    I’m not sure why I’m bothering with this seeing that you timidly hide amongst the multiple “anonymous” commenters here rather than under a consistent nom de clavier.

  22. Investigating the allegation means trying just as hard to refute it as to confirm it, looking just as hard at the veracity and credibility of the accuser as of the accused. Donald Trump is the boss of the FBI, and unlike the Mueller team, the FBI is not a contract shop for drumming up “proof” for whatever the donkeys pull out of their back holes. Any more. I hope. I see this as another test for our VSG-In-Chief and his new piss-boy Rod.


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