Judge Lets Man Legally Change His ‘Sex’ – IOTW Report

Judge Lets Man Legally Change His ‘Sex’

AT: In an unprecedented move, an Oregon judge has allowed a so-called “transgender” man to legally change his sex from female (he had previously been allowed to choose female) to “non-binary.” It’s newsworthy enough to have made it to Drudge, but even that fact doesn’t do justice to the grave threat presented by Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Amy Holmes Hehn’s ruling.

I’ll cut to the chase. Even if you accept the legitimacy of “transgender” status (more on this later), here’s what must be understood:

Psychologists and transgender activists do not say “sex” and “gender” are synonymous.

Rather, they often take pains to point out — sometimes quite dogmatically — that “sex” is a biological distinction while “gender” is a psychological one. As MedicalNewsToday.com wrote in March, “In general terms, ‘sex’ refers to the biological differences between males and females, such as the genitalia and genetic differences. ‘Gender’ is more difficult to define but can refer to the role of a male or female in society (gender role), or an individual’s concept of themselves (gender identity).” You can find essentially the same definitions at Monash University’s website and numerous other places.

Even the man who petitioned Judge Hehn for the “sex change,” a fellow going by the name “Jamie” Shupe, has in so many words acknowledged the above. READ MORE

10 Comments on Judge Lets Man Legally Change His ‘Sex’

  1. I consulted a real dictionary:

    a : sex
    b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

    As the article states, “In general terms, ‘sex’ refers to the biological differences.”

    Hence gender.

    Stop trying to change the definition, freaks.

  2. Soooo….. what happens when it gets arrested for something? Which jail does it end up in? Geezuz, this guy needs some serious psychiatric help before he blows his brains out. Maybe the good Judge that reinforced these delusions can help out.

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