Judge Refuses To Halt Trump’s New Immigration Order – IOTW Report

Judge Refuses To Halt Trump’s New Immigration Order


A federal district court denied a request to place an emergency restraining order on President Donald Trump’s modified immigration executive order, an attorney representing states opposing the order told Reuters Friday night.

The initial executive order posted by the Trump administration — which restricted travel from seven countries with majority Muslim populations — last January was challenged by lawyers in states such as Washington and Minnesota.

Seattle U.S. District Court Judge James Robart issued a temporary restraining order against the initial policy last month.

The new order narrowed the travel restriction down to six countries and would give exception to green card holders among other changes.

2 Comments on Judge Refuses To Halt Trump’s New Immigration Order

  1. Reuter’s and AOL/Huffpoo report it like this:

    (headline)”Trump’s revised travel ban dealt first court setback”


    “The temporary restraining order, granted by U.S. District Judge William Conley in Madison, applies only to the family of the Syrian refugee, who brought the case anonymously to protect the identities of his wife and daughter, still living in the war-torn Syrian city of Aleppo.”

    As usual, in media-ese, winning is losing.


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