Judge refuses to throw out lawsuit against ABC News for its idiotic ‘pink slime’ fake news – IOTW Report

Judge refuses to throw out lawsuit against ABC News for its idiotic ‘pink slime’ fake news


The First Amendment is not license to make things up.

Remember “pink slime”? We’re going back a few years, but between media hysterics and social media sharing by the gullible, a lot of you were convinced a little under a decade ago that some gross, dangerous, unhealthy goo was being put in the meat you were buying from the grocery store. (There was another version of the “pink slime” nonsense that targeted McDonald’s, but I think most people caught on pretty quickly to that one.)

Much of this was the work of ABC News, which informed us in oh-so-concerned tones how disturbing and shocking all this was. The meat industry was putting crap into your meat, and the corrupt FDA was refusing to make them tell you about it! Why? Because its officials were “meat-industry connected” and they were in on the evil scheme.

It all sounded frightening, as things often do when they’re not true. The actual product in question is manufactured by a company called Beef Products Inc. It is not really called “pink slime,” and it is perfectly safe. This was a story about nothing by a TV reporter who imagines himself as a crusading hero. His conclusion was reached before he did any real reporting. And Beef Products Inc. asserted all this in a lawsuit against ABC that, despite the best efforts of the network’s lawyers, has been given the go-ahead to proceed:   more


10 Comments on Judge refuses to throw out lawsuit against ABC News for its idiotic ‘pink slime’ fake news

  1. First, what does the First Amendment ACTUALLY say (as opposed to what the fearmongers are bleating about)?
    (Amending for brevity): “Congress shall make no law……; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;…….”. Nothing in there about being protected from your own folly of telling lies in public.
    I don’t see Congress passing any bills, or President Trump signing them into law. So, to all’y’all Presstitutes of the DemSM, go pound sand…sideways.
    Meanwhile, to Beef Products Inc, sue Avila and ABC for libel AND slander. And anything else you can think of. DO NOT SETTLE. Make as public a spectacle of them as they made of your company. Sue them down to their socks and panties. Then take away their socks (for humanity’s sake, LEAVE THEM THEIR PANTIES)

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