Judge Roy Moore: ‘It’s Time We End Federal Government’s Involvement in Education’ – IOTW Report

Judge Roy Moore: ‘It’s Time We End Federal Government’s Involvement in Education’

 The federal government should have no involvement in education. Common Core is an example of an attempt to indoctrinate our children with ideas that most people – at least in Alabama – don’t agree with. And yet it’s pushed on us by using our own tax money to buy our children over. And I think that’s very wrong. I oppose Common Core…it’s a very bad thing…and I think it should be stopped in Alabama.


16 Comments on Judge Roy Moore: ‘It’s Time We End Federal Government’s Involvement in Education’

  1. “…end the U.S. Education Department.”

    That’s the first thing I thought when I read the lead-in. It’s time to remove the NEA from the President’s cabinet. It’s time to return power to the individual states, before we have to kill each other again over state’s rights.

    President Trump? Congress? Bueller?

  2. Preach it, Roy! Control needs to be returned to local folks at the “town” level of government. Sure, guidelines by the state detailing courses: the Big Three, reading, writing, arithmetic.

    History? See “reading.”

  3. didn’t jimma carter start that department ?

    ahh member berries !

    remember gas lines ?
    remember odd even fill up days ?
    remember being told to put on a sweater ?
    remember the misery index ?
    remember student protests in iran holding our embassy workers hostage ?
    remember the failed rescue attempt ?

    that education department has tighter grip on it’s longevity than hillary’s grip on her snuke.

  4. Well … DUH!
    And fuck the States, too. Education should (must) be in the hands of the local parents to be effective. Parents should (directly) vote on the property taxes to support the local school and participate in the hiring and firing of teachers, principals, janitors, and staff.
    It’s called “RESPONSIBILITY.”
    Parents don’t seem to give a rat’s ass about their chillen’s ejukashun, outside of the baby-sitting aspect – the fact that the little monsters are out of the house for some supervised indoctrination and not just sitting on the couch eating Doritos and drinking sodas while playing mindless video games.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Actually Ronnie said it 10/64. Because Ronnie was the last honest President he meant it! Roy is still right; even if late to the party.

    In 1980 by a landslide America elected a conservative President. For 8 straight years the conservative submitted a budget to a liberal Congress of $0 for education; “a null budget”. Congress ignored the President and spent $billions each year. This conservative President was re-elected again by landslide!

    20 years later America elected a progressive (“same” party as the conservative.) in a very close election. This Liberal hates his conservative predecessor – as we can see by his education budget. The liberal “Republican” took a $38.4 billion education budget and grew the federal “nanny state” to $68.6 billion. Extending the fed’s intrusion into our lives with “Common Core” aka NCLB.

    The conservative (Ronnie) was absolutely right! The liberal (George) was, and remains, absolutely wrong!

  6. If it was a campaign promise and a plank in Trump’s platform (checked on both), then, verily, it will be addressed by this administration. Another fine opportunity to further expose the bought congressmen and women who have compromised our Constitution. Betsy DeVos doesn’t need a career as Secy of Ed. She is much better compensated by her work outside gov’t. Another outsider who is working for free (taking $1.00) for the people.

  7. I think that soon enough the education will be an entirely separate department in the system of the country. It will be like the deal with the Church in the Mid centuries. There are some pretty educated people in the educational society that know what they have to do for people to stay educated. The only thing that the federal government needs to do is to finance the education in time. Children are the ones that should rule the world of education and they should be the ones to determine its further path.

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