2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans – IOTW Report

2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans


As Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of the Obama-created Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), from which more than 800,000 un-vetted young illegal aliens have been given protected status and work permits, the number of them who are convicted criminals, gang members, or suspects in crimes remains staggering.

Below, Breitbart News has compiled a list of 50 of the 2,139 DACA recipients, deemed “DREAMers” by the open borders lobby, who have had their temporary protected status revoked due to crimes including: “A felony criminal conviction; a significant misdemeanor conviction; multiple misdemeanor convictions; gang affiliation; or arrest of any crime in which there is deemed to be a public safety concern,” according to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency.

The majority of crimes by DACA recipients include: “Alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” USCIS has stated.

DREAMer Who Killed Two Girls in Hit-and-Run Won’t Be Deported

Cinthya Garcia-Cisneros, an illegal alien protected by DACA, was convicted in 2014 of two counts of felony hit and run after she killed two Forest Grove, Oregon, stepsisters — Anna Dieter-Eckerdt and Abigail Robinson ages 6 and 11 respectively — who were playing at the time of the incident, as Breitbart News reported.

A judge also threw out Garcia-Cisneros’ deportation case after her murder conviction.

Illegal Arrested for Child Sex-Abuse Was Protected By Obama’s Migrant Amnesty

Breitbart News reported in January 2016:

The illegal immigrant who was arrested this week in Arizona for a sex crime against a three-year old girl, was being shielded from repatriation by President Barack Obama’s 2012 ‘Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals’ program, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee.  MORE

9 Comments on 2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans

  1. I keep reading the canard that DACAs commit crime at a lower rate than the native-born US population. Given that the Obama admin lied their asses off about DACA criminality in order to give them amnesty, and given that native-born crime rates are badly skewed by black crime, I am highly skeptical of this canard. These DACAs are not as pure as the wind-driven snow.

  2. Hey, maybe Cher can take in a couple of these ones. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind and will make sure they show up for their trials or sentencing dates because she has such a great respect for the law.

  3. The term “Dreamer” is some made up bullshit.

    They aren’t dreaming about crap. They broke the law. Some with help from a parent.

    No family is being broken apart. If the parent was legal, the child is legal. They are basically saying that if my “child” gets deported then you are breaking up my family because I’m staying and fuck whatever happens to my kid.

    The nightly news is nothing but illegals in graduation caps but everyone knows the truth. Journolist helps connect them through an activist network for interviews. But all are criminals by definition and a not insignificant number are gangmembers, excons, layabouts, or leeches.

  4. THIS is why there are revolutions.

    People settle problems with guns and bullets when all reasonable solutions have failed.

    Why do you think they are so desperate to get rid of guns? They know the government will eventually step in it so deep, the public will tire of talk.

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