Judge rules against Oregon governor’s coronavirus orders – IOTW Report

Judge rules against Oregon governor’s coronavirus orders

JustTheNews- Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is appealing a ruling Monday by a county circuit judge who said that the governor’s coronavirus restriction orders were invalid because the legislature did not approve extending them past the allowed 28-day period.

“Plaintiffs have shown that they will be harmed by a deprivation of the constitutional right to freely exercise their religion. Other plaintiffs have also shown great economic harm to their businesses and their ability to seek a livelihood,” the Baker County Circuit Judge Matthew Shirtcliff wrote in his decision granting the preliminary injunction.

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17 Comments on Judge rules against Oregon governor’s coronavirus orders

  1. So I wonder if there will be any actions for accountability taken against her for the vindictive actions she has taken against those ignoring her extended executive order?

    If they’re unconstitutional then they were never law and any enforcement actions taken were not lawful actions.

  2. A large number of these ‘leaders’ need to be slapped into oblivion.

    I would immensely enjoy the view of kate brown being cuffed and shackled in an orange suit…..I’m sure she would be most bother by the color orange.

  3. ode to t**t-run ore-gone:
    .a royal dhimmi-rat fingered her crown
    .then proclaimed herself queen of the “town”
    .she ascended her throne
    .strained daintily & groaned,
    .squeezed out a miniature k. brown!


  5. Thank you to the brave men and women of the churches who led this, and to the business aspect of Kevin Mannixs’ group who came alongside, that said enough is enough.
    This is a direct and major win for the entire state of Oregon.

  6. @Anonymous May 18, 2020 at 8:31 pm

    > If they’re unconstitutional then they were never law and any enforcement actions taken were not lawful actions.

    “Just following orders” of “settled law”: the gold standard of the justice you can afford. For generations.

  7. @Anonymous May 18, 2020 at 11:37 pm

    > what the hell happened to our country??????????????????


    If you are a loyal citizen of The United States, everything is going according to (this, the current, five year) plan.

    If you are an American, you ceded “your” country, when you agreed to live on the reservation.

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