Judge Rules For Rick Scott. Florida Supervisor Must Release Public Records. – IOTW Report

Judge Rules For Rick Scott. Florida Supervisor Must Release Public Records.

Daily Wire-

On Friday, Florida Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips ruled in favor of Florida Governor Rick Scott, who was ahead in votes in his race for the Senate seat held by incumbent Democratic Senator Bill Nelson when the polls closed Tuesday night, and had filed suit along with the National Republican Senatorial Committee against Broward County election supervisor Brenda Snipes in order to force her to release public records surrounding the votes in Broward County. The lawsuit stated that Snipes was “unwilling to disclose records revealing how many electors voted, how many ballots have been canvassed, and how many ballots remain to be canvassed.”

12 Comments on Judge Rules For Rick Scott. Florida Supervisor Must Release Public Records.

  1. Snipes jas been doing her thing since inexplicably being appointed in 2003 by Jeb Bush, after he fired Miriam Oliphant.

    Snipes has been sued multiple times for her shady behaviors. 2016 election. Special election.

    One might ask: where in all this time was Rick Scott and his chief investigator Pam Bondi.

  2. I’ve been watching this play out on FB and Twitter. Some Tea Party peeps were staking out the polling sites and late last night they got video of people loading boxes of ballots into three Rider Trucks. The Tea Party groups been watching them all day and they were moved to where they’re counting the Ballots. I think they are currently trying to get the trucks impounded.


  3. Hard prison time is what is required. No more patty cake. That goes for all Election officials that break the law and those foot soldiers that vote illegally. And often. M

    Up until now you have thought this was a game. It’s the underpinning of our constitutional republic.

    By the way, President Trump, deploy some resources in VA7, and in particular, Henrico and Chesterfield counties.

  4. @beachmom. Do you mean the same county residents that elected the county sheriff that failed at Marjorie stone man Douglas high school?

    I know many people in that county. I know a mother of a student at that school. Sadly, I have witnessed a deterioration of their cognitive skills.

    Everyone there is now reduced to a player in a Florida tragedy.

  5. Oliphant was forced out fast.

    Corrupt elections supervisors getting reelected? How does that work. Ooops. Why hasn’t this problem been addressed. (And, one might ask, how in hell and on what basis was Snipes chosen in the first place by Jeb Bush… right out of the Broward County education system.)

    Broward had one elections supervisor who stayed in office for FORTY YEARS, 1929-1969!

    It’s beyond the pale, already.


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