They were rioters, looters, and arsonists. The description is apt.
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) October 26, 2021
16 Comments on Judge Rules in Rittenhouse Case – Lawyers Cannot Call the Killed and Wounded “Victims”
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The fact there is a trial is absolutely disgusting.
Calling them what they actually are…
Violent Thugs
@ JP OCTOBER 26, 2021 AT 1:17 PM
The fact there is a trial is absolutely what I would expect of the caliber of individual the left lionizes and elects to represent them.
They deserved what they got – just like that bastard the killed the MAGA guy in Seattle/Portland(?) later last summer (President Trump sent the marshals after him and they shot him dead). If Kyle hadn’t acted they would have severely injured or killed him.
Anybody keeping track of just how many political prisoners the left have taken now?
They should compromise and at least allow the dead ones to testify!
Brad, its easier to keep count of how many politicians and police departments have been held accountable
Free Kyle Rittenhouse. No justice, no peace.
Rittenhouse should be a progressive hero. Those guys probably didn’t even vote before he shot them but now at least two of them will be reliable Dimmorat voters for eternity!!
Guns don’t kill, Kyke Rittenhouse does.
Honestly the prosecutor should pack their bags and go home. There ain’t no way they’re going to pull this off.
But can they call the attackers “pædos”?
Attempted murderers sounds accurate…
Kid was stupid but he was defending himself, I give zero shits that they both died trying to commit murder.
They both were pedos anyway Like all Demonrats.
Jethro, pretty sure you’re referring to worthless POS dead guy, Michael Forest Reinoeh. Got what he deserved. May he rot in hell.
“Whut don’t kill ya only makes ya stronger”
Kyle’s gonna be a powerhouse one day!
I hope he gets off scot-free