Judge rules news outlets can’t broadcast Trump’s arraignment live – IOTW Report

Judge rules news outlets can’t broadcast Trump’s arraignment live

Insider Paper
JUST IN – Judge has ruled that news outlets can’t broadcast Trump’s tomorrow
arraignment live
© 18.9K 10:47 PM
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13 Comments on Judge rules news outlets can’t broadcast Trump’s arraignment live

  1. The work of darkness must be done in darkness.

    No worries tho, I’m sure the show trial and eventual execution will be widely broadcast.

    Commies are good for that.

  2. News outlets can’t?
    How about any private citizens who happen to be there?
    Too bad I live so far away.
    (I always look for the work-around. If the LibTard DildoCrats want to follow the letter of the law and not the spirit, then I can too)

  3. Also placed a gag order on Trump. They’re gonna railroad him in secret. It really is high time to be openly vicious to democrats. They deserve overt hostility.

  4. Just read that he could be facing charges in D.C. as SS agents are testifying before a grand jury there.

    Saw an article this AM about the 70 Soros installed prosecutors across the nation. They have a lot of venues in which to bring charges against him and they will do so, IMO, until the threat against them is neutralized.

    They’ve been trying to bring communism to this nation for over a hundred years. They’re not going to relent when they’ve gotten this close.

  5. I’m waiting for the State Attorney General of Texas to establish a grand jury to look into the failure of Biden and Mayorkis and other Democrat official to secure the border as require by law. Those would be actual felonies.

  6. did many one really think the deep state would just surrender power tback to the citizens?

    deep state = scorched earth

    get used to the idea since the justice system has been compromised


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