Judge seems to be easy on child molester defendants – IOTW Report

Judge seems to be easy on child molester defendants

Judge Calvin Holden 


Meili pleaded guilty last week to third-degree child molestation after meeting an 11-year-old girl on the dating app MeetMe and having a sexual encounter with her in July 2017, after which she tested positive for chlamydia. Last Friday, however, Judge Calvin Holden decided Meili’s crime didn’t warrant jail time, giving him five years of probation and the chance to scrub the conviction from his record if he completes the probation with no issues. Meili had originally been charged with the felonies of child kidnapping, statutory rape, and statutory sodomy; prosecutors had wanted up to seven years in prison and 120 days in a sex offender treatment program.

Meili’s attorney, Scott Pierson, says his client was tricked by the girl into thinking she was 18, and that Meili felt “horrible” about it when he found out the girl was just 11. Greene County Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Elizabeth Fax scoffs at that assertion. “I think dating apps make it easier to get into these types of situations, to be sure, but to actually see her in person. … He knew and just decided to go along with it anyway,” she tells HuffPost.

The paper counts at least three other similar cases since 2016, with victims ranging in age from 8 to 16—all overseen by Holden, per media reports, who has been the subject of onlinepetitions to have him removed from the bench. 


They can’t show a picture of the girl, but it seems that people who have seen her are indicating that she looks her age. This judge needs to be investigated.

7 Comments on Judge seems to be easy on child molester defendants

  1. There are two terrible human beings in this tragedy, though Meili is terribler than the terrible judge Holden.

    Side observation: I’ve noticed that as I’ve aged (I’m 70), young women and female adolescents look younger than their actual age, not older. I’ve mistaken college graduates for middle schoolers, and my impression is that I’m far from alone in this. An online CV says that Holden got his batchelor’s in 1977, and his JD in 1980. I figure him to be in his early to mid 60s. It is utterly unbelievable to me that Holden could believe a Meili’s claim that he believed an 11-year-old was 18. Ridiculous. Tragic, and ridiculous. My educated guess: hebephilic judge.

  2. Even if not a practicing pedophile, the judge is definitely sympathetic to pedophilia, and probably, satanism or nihilism, in general.

    He (apparently) sees his object as loosening the legal restraints on perverts – not – NOT – as protecting the public (particularly the pre-teen public).

    izlamo delenda est …


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