Judge strikes down Trump administration’s unlawful attempt to allow families to stay together during asylum seeking proceedings – IOTW Report

Judge strikes down Trump administration’s unlawful attempt to allow families to stay together during asylum seeking proceedings

This is what the cheeseteeth leftists do not understand. We are a nation of laws. The answer to the law that states that children cannot be detained for more than 20 days when their border jumping parents are in lock-up cannot be, “oh well, guess we just have to let them all go. They’ve found a loophole!”

So, by law, what’s the alternative?


A judge on Monday refused the Trump administration’s request to change a longstanding federal court settlement so that officials could detain asylum-seeking families together during lengthy immigration proceedings.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Dolly M. Gee in Los Angeles further complicates the administration’s efforts to reunite more than more than 2,000 children who have been separated from their parents since this spring under a zero-tolerance policy toward illegal border-crossers.

Amending the so-called Flores settlement was a central part of President Donald Trump’s executive order ending the practice of family separations. Justice Department officials had for weeks said the separations were unavoidable because the 1997 settlement bars authorities from detaining children for more than 20 days when their parents are arrested for trying to enter the U.S. illegally. Obama administration officials, facing a similar predicament, had also unsuccessfully tried to persuade the same judge to change the settlement.

Judge Gee said the Justice Department offered no basis to change the settlement and called the Trump administration’s efforts to do so “a cynical attempt…to shift responsibility to the Judiciary for over 20 years of Congressional inaction and ill considered Executive action that have led to the current stalemate.”

The Justice Department said it was reviewing the ruling. “The court does appear to acknowledge that parents who cross the border will not be released” and must choose between remaining together in custody during their asylum proceedings or requesting to be separated so their children may be placed with sponsors, a spokesman said.


11 Comments on Judge strikes down Trump administration’s unlawful attempt to allow families to stay together during asylum seeking proceedings

  1. Send the whole family to the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Federal judges have no say so there. After trial, those refused green cards can be released in Cuba.

  2. Hmmm Gee Dolly, you apparently had the authority to enact a law 20 years ago, yet no authority to amend said law now?
    Activist judges with absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  3. Wasn’t it Jefferson or Adams who did away with certain courts to get rid of the judges that did unconstitutional crap? How about the entire 9th Circuit AND this feckless wonder?

  4. Didn’t the left fix this by having ANOTHER judge ORDER Trump to put them together Immediately, or some such? So, he’s breaking the law no matter what he does! I think they’ve finally found a way to impeach him!

  5. or requesting to be separated so their children may be placed with sponsors

    That sure as hell better be “sponsors who agree to remain with the children in separate detention facilities.”


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