Judge Tosses Out High-Tax State SALT Case Against Administration – IOTW Report

Judge Tosses Out High-Tax State SALT Case Against Administration

Fox New

A federal judge handed the Trump administration a win Monday, dismissing a lawsuit from states with high taxes.

The lawsuit asked U.S. District Judge J. Paul Oetken to block the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act’s limit on how much people can deduct in state and local taxes (SALT). The provision effectively raised the tax burden on citizens of high-tax states.

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland brought the suit in July 2018, claiming the tax deduction limit was a way for the Trump administration to stick it to blue states. The judge ruled that the limit did not violate the 10th Amendment, which says that powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution are left to the states. More

14 Comments on Judge Tosses Out High-Tax State SALT Case Against Administration

  1. Trump’s not sticking it to anybody. The Blue states (or any state for that matter with this sort of tax loophole) has been screwing the rest of the country for years forcing them to pay for expensive social programs that the libs use to remain in power.

  2. This just gets better. The Judge is openly gay, married to a man and was appointed by Obama. Wow, an Obama Judge that actually follows the letter of the law. I bet the lawyers for the suing states pissed themselves when the verdict was rendered.

  3. GOOD.
    Your Taxes are Your problem.

    Those deductions were a scam from Day One.
    Deducting Your Taxes and passing it on the the rest of U.S.

    Hope Nancy and Co quintuples taxes in Califffya
    Hope she turns the whole state into soylent green
    Hope you enjoy YOUR just desserts

  4. @MJA – I did just receive a mailer asking if I was open to a parcel tax with the proceeds going to some mountain conservancy. No! Make the state pay for it out of the abusive taxes they already collect!
    BTW CA gas prices are very high right now, partially the newly increased tax but even more so because some CA refineries (of which there are few) had unplanned shutdowns – and of course CA cars can only drink CA fuel.

  5. The Derp* State is going crazy over the changing winds of fortune. Things seem to be falling apart for them and they are panicking. Think I’ll treat myself to some popcorn.

    *Derp State – I copped that from Wyatt @SayWhenLA on Twitter.


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