Judge Tosses Trans Case Against Miss USA Pageant – IOTW Report

Judge Tosses Trans Case Against Miss USA Pageant

Daily Caller

A federal judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit brought by a transgender woman who accused Miss United States of America of discriminating against her after they denied her the right to compete because she was not a biological female, according to reports.

Pageant contestant Anita Noelle Green sued Miss U.S.A in December of 2019 after she alleged the pageant denied her application and refunded her entry fees on the day she applied.

The Miss U.S.A pageant only allows “natural born biological females” to compete, according to a Motion to Dismiss filed by the pageant.

33 Comments on Judge Tosses Trans Case Against Miss USA Pageant

  1. The creature will have to be allowed, by federal legislation, to enter/compete in everything real women do. It is before the senate, 45 of them have said they will vote yes. please contact your senators.
    Under the Equality Act . . .
    Churches would be forced to host same-sex ceremonies.

    Counselors will be gagged from giving professional help to those facing unwanted same-sex desires or actions.

    Religious adoption agencies will be required to place innocent children in homes with adults involved in same-sex conduct.

    If churches or religious organizations take overnight trips, including sports or mission trips, they cannot segregate rooms by biological gender.

    Biological men will have access to bathrooms, showers and nursing-mother rooms at any time, and stay as long as they please.

    Churches would be forced to hire staff involved in LGBT conduct, even positions of authority in affiliated daycare classes and give them complete access to all children in the restrooms.

    Cross-dressers could demand that they be greeters, ushers, Sunday School teachers and more.

    Even the smallest slight would give someone the legal right to sue a church. For example, if someone assumed he was turned down for a staff position because of his LGBT lifestyle, he (or she) could sue the church for damages, even if that was not the reason he was denied the job!

    Look up the Equality Act for more horrors. 45 Senators have said they will approve it. Please contact your senators.

    I’m sorry this post is so long.

  2. You described the thing as a woman. Best description is a man with psychotic tendencies and sexually confused in his delusions, aided by a society that participates in the delusion and thus not helping to lessen the impact of his illness. The homeless are a good example of liberals attempts at treating mentally compromised individuals by allowing them to suffer on our streets rather than establish facilities for long term care. Same action for the sexually confused. My UpToDate medical programs still label these folks as ill, not of a different sex than their gene expression.

  3. This person looks like a gay man trying to pass himself off as a woman.

    Of course the whole point of applying to the contest and suing is to force institutions (Miss USA or the courts) to recognize this individuals delusions, lending credence to the belief that the mental illness is more real than physical fact.

  4. If you watched a lot of protest live-feeds last summer you may remember this dude, Anita. He’s totally Antifa and became a prominent live-streamer during the riots. Many in the Antifa crowds are mentally ill gender-queers, pedophiles, and generally violent, demon possessed young people.

    Thank God someone of sound mind said “no” to this dangerous freak.

  5. Miss USA and Miss America also allow their women contestants to undergo plastic surgery, including breast implants. I guess that’s “empowering” young women, too.

  6. TELL ME

    Tell me I’m clever,
    Tell me I’m kind,
    Tell me I’m talented,
    Tell me I’m cute.
    Tell me I’m sensitive,
    Graceful and wise,
    Tell me I’m perfect-
    But tell me the truth.

    Shel Silverstein

  7. Biological women can alter they’re shape, hair and even skin color etc. They are still genetically – women.

    The problem is deviant biological men who want to be women are competing against biological women.

    Transgender females, who are actually biological males cause destruction to institutions/organizations that pertain to biological women, exclusively.

    It’s great there are courts that have common sense and respect the law. Especially, in this matter.

  8. They don’t see the insult to women. Is a “woman” long flowing hair, bouncy breasts and makeup? Is that all?
    We are women at birth and bring life to our species. Everything about women is set to the reproduction of humans.
    We are not things to imitate with tricks.


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