Judge Unable To Stop Bolton’s Book, Warns Of Huge Fine, Jail Time If Classified Info Revealed – IOTW Report

Judge Unable To Stop Bolton’s Book, Warns Of Huge Fine, Jail Time If Classified Info Revealed

The American Spectator

John Bolton had a very high bar to clear. He went part way through the review process, but went ahead before the government made a final decision. From Reagan appointee Judge Royce Lamberth, he got “horse out of the barn” dispensation on the book’s large global distribution to date. But if Judge Lamberth’s assessment that Bolton did leak classified information holds up, if convicted at trial Bolton faces loss of all profits, plus felony jail time. More

More on the court’s ruling. Here

11 Comments on Judge Unable To Stop Bolton’s Book, Warns Of Huge Fine, Jail Time If Classified Info Revealed

  1. Bolton MUST be prosecuted, otherwise every despicable POTUS advisor will be running to a publisher destroying the President’s ability to receive council from those around him.

    Go get ‘um Bill Barr.

  2. Bolton is no more credible than Amorosa Manigault was after she got booted out of the White House, but why were these two obvious Losers ever let on the premises?

  3. @Marco, I like to believe the president is willing to give even the shadiest of characters an opportunity to make good and serve their nation.

    Unfortunately, there are many not up to the challenge.

  4. It stretches credulity to think that a savvy been around the block several times business guy like Trump would hire anyone without an ironclad non-discloure agreement signed. Disgruntled ex-employees spewing lies or even embarrassing truths about the company and the CEO, all part of doing business, so any business owner with even a modicum of common sense requires guarantees in the form of non-disclosure agreements. ALL employees under the heading of “Executive Branch” should be required to sign one of these.

    We all brushed off the hiring of this toxic washed up, “Bomb everyone to oblivion” hanger-on with “Trump can control him, he will wring any usefulness out of him then discard him like an old shoe” but to allow him to write a tell-all without any breach of contract threats, inexcusable.

  5. if Judge Lamberth’s assessment that Bolton did leak classified information holds up, if convicted at trial Bolton faces loss of all profits, plus felony jail time

    To go to trial, a “reasonable prosecutor” must claim they believe a crime has been committed.

    This? This rises to the level of “crime”? In comparison to everything that “does not” rise to the level of “crime”?

    Maybe a “reasonable prosecutor” will claim they believe a crime has been committed, dependent on who does the exact same acts?

    Maybe The Party will just ask you if you believe The Party, or your own lying eyes. Again.

  6. Dr. Tar: Bolton did the same thing to President George W. Bush after he left the Bush Administration. Wrote a book extolling his brilliance and complaining about his recommendations not being followed for the better result. The Middle East will never recover from Bolton’s arrogance. I don’t think anyone will care what’s in Bolton’s book in another week except the usual deranged Trump haters.


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