Judge Who Approved FBI Raid On Mar-a-Lago Once Linked To Jeffrey Epstein – IOTW Report

Judge Who Approved FBI Raid On Mar-a-Lago Once Linked To Jeffrey Epstein

NY Post: The Florida federal magistrate judge who signed off on a search warrant authorizing the FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort left the local US Attorney’s office more than a decade ago to rep employees of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had received immunity in the long-running sex-trafficking investigation of the financier.

Sources tell The Post that Judge Bruce Reinhart approved the warrant that enabled federal agents to converge on the palatial South Florida estate on Monday in what Trump called an “unannounced raid on my home.”

Reinhart was elevated to magistrate judge in March 2018 after 10 years in private practice. That November, the Miami Herald reported that he had represented several of Epstein’s employees — including, by Reinhart’s own admission to the outlet, Epstein’s pilots; his scheduler, Sarah Kellen; and Nadia Marcinkova, who Epstein once reportedly described as his “Yugoslavian sex slave.”

Kellen and Marcinkova were among Epstein’s lieutenants who were granted immunity as part of a controversial 2007 deal with federal prosecutors that allowed the pervert to plead guilty to state charges rather than federal crimes. Epstein wound up serving just 13 months in county jail and was granted work release. more h/t Christine.

13 Comments on Judge Who Approved FBI Raid On Mar-a-Lago Once Linked To Jeffrey Epstein

  1. So Epstein’s network is still running, if Epstein’s top lieutenants were granted immunity.
    You can only conclude Epstein is still in charge, from somewhere. Or have Clintons taken over daily operations?

  2. I’m starting to wonder if Trump did indeed take “classified” docs with him.
    Kinda like an insurance policy of who’s who and their dirt.

    IF he did, (and I hope he did) it would be delicious to release his own Oct surprise re the DC club.

  3. So all this mudslinging so far is about applying leverage to Trump to make him give up the goods?
    Puts things in an interesting perspective, no?
    Hope it’s true.

  4. @Manbearpig August 9, 2022 at 7:45 pm

    > So a blackmailable judge is pressed by the FBI to green light their unconstitutional attack

    Oh, yeahs. A fine, upstanding, man. Was put in charge. Of the gay orgy. To keep all the attendees safe. Then Putin kidnapped his virgin daughter. And handed him a case of Pride Pox lube.

  5. The same no-knock raids against American black and ethnic people initiated by the KKK-associated democrat party and their fbi accomplices. These no-knock raids also take place on the native Indian rez, a federal land, how and when it suits these reprobates to do so and at the behsest of democrats who try to flex their otherwise underdeveloped political muscles and claimed “dominance” over these people.

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