Judge Who Will Rule on Trump Travel Order Won ACLU ‘LGBT Award’ – IOTW Report

Judge Who Will Rule on Trump Travel Order Won ACLU ‘LGBT Award’

CNS: Judge Michelle T. Friedland, who is on the three-judge panel that will rule on President Donald Trump’s executive order aimed at stopping terrorists from traveling to the United States, won the ACLU of Southern California’s LGBT Award in 2009, according to the Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont.

“She received the President’s Pro Bono Service Award in 2013 from the State Bar of California and the LGBT Award from the American Civil Liberties Union of South California in 2009,” Leahy said in the U.S. Senate on April 10, 2014, stating his approval of Friedland’s confirmation to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.


39 Comments on Judge Who Will Rule on Trump Travel Order Won ACLU ‘LGBT Award’

  1. I usually don’t like to comment on appearances but that leftist charlatan could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence.
    Sometimes it just feels better to bash someone’s lack of a chin because I can’t impact her biased rulings.

  2. Horry schnitt ! last time I saw teeth like that was up in the Minnesota Boundary Waters watchin’ a couple of beavers take down a grove of small birch trees for a dam they were building.

  3. Maybe not. It seems that it’s well within the Presidents authority to issue the order he did. If the 9th (or to be more precise these three Judges) uphold that law clerk from Seattle then they could be signing the death warrant of the 9th circuit as it’s currently made up. Fox today had a story about GOP members already starting to sound out the creation of the 12th circuit made up of much of the 9th’s territory. If they bugger this up it could just become a reality very, very quickly.

  4. Orrin Hatch this morning gave one of the best speeches on the difference between a judge who enforces the law versus a judge who reinterprets the law, in his remarks to the Senate confirmation debate for Gorsuch and then went on to deliver his defense of Dr. Tom Price for HHS Secretary. If you have a chance to listen to his remarks, it is really the best, clearest argument I’ve heard. He used a quote from Daniel Webster (which I cannot now find) that perfectly summed up the situation.

  5. What are the odds that our Institutions of Higher Indoctrination, our Libtard elected officials (especially in Cali) and these activist judges are all connected? Google, or better yet youtube the name Yvette Felarca. A Bazerkly Professor that appears to be in charge of By Any Means Necessary, which appears to be command and control for Antifa and a few others.

  6. Looks part squirrel.
    But be that as it may, welcome to totalitarianism!

    These people aren’t fucking around. They aren’t gonna play by the “rules” which govern civilization. They understand that they are fighting for a world, not just the results of an election. They know the election was fixed – just not fixed enough. They never foresaw the groundswell of support for President Trump in light of the overwhelming propaganda effort to torpedo him. Now that the American people have raised their heads, the socialist/totalitarians are pulling out the stops, and will stop at nothing to impose their slavish world-view.

    President Trump isn’t even into his 4th week! When they lose the mid-terms they’ll resort to outright violence (though the propagandists (media) will try to pretend it’s self-defense).

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. If Trump gets unconstitutionally shot down by the 9th Circuit, he’ll defy the order. Why? “Gee. Do I want to follow a bullshit verdict that is PURELY partisan or do I want to protect the American people?” No brainer.

    Then he’ll lift the EO a few months later as they get their screening operations in place and then the left will go back and lick their balls in defeat.

  8. Didn’t some court say the temporary ban was fully legal right before the commie from WA jumped in? Does anyone remember what court that was and why didn’t that FIRST ruling count?
    Did I dream that? Been kind of stressed as Mr RottyLover just ended up in ICU with severe pneumonia.

  9. Our President needs to call these people out so the press has to shine the spot light on them. Of course the press will cover the President as an ogar, but the people we see the cancer for what it is.

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