Judge’s Injunction Keeps Missouri’s Last PP Clinic Open – IOTW Report

Judge’s Injunction Keeps Missouri’s Last PP Clinic Open

Chicago Tribune

Missouri’s only abortion clinic lost its license to perform the procedure on Friday, though it remains open at least temporarily under a judge’s order. The state health department notified the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis that its abortion license will not be renewed. A letter from the state cited “serious and extensive” deficiencies. The state’s decision came at the deadline set by St. Louis Circuit Judge Michael Stelzer. During a brief hearing, Stelzer said a preliminary injunction he previously issued would remain in place, meaning the clinic can continue to perform abortions at least until he issues a final ruling outlining the next steps. He offered no timetable for that ruling.


2 Comments on Judge’s Injunction Keeps Missouri’s Last PP Clinic Open

  1. Although not part of the lawsuit, the judge’s temporary order also enjoined any border wall from being built and put the office of the Presidency into receivership to be managed by Hillary Clinton until further notice.

  2. The clinic was denied its license for “serious and extensive” deficiencies.” How does a judge, not medically trained, in the least, have the authority to override such a judgement by a governing body? In essence, they are practicing medicine, or at least, allowing such a practice, without a valid license, thereby creating potential liabilities and hazards. This should easily fail upon appeal, if the “serious and extensive” deficiencies” are valid. That appeal should be filed immediately.
    Next, they will argue that, due to their not having a current license, they are not subject to inspections and oversight by the licensing agency. Betcha.


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