Judicial Watch: DC Board of Elections Records Reveal 583 Foreign Nationals are Registered Vote in Washington, DC – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: DC Board of Elections Records Reveal 583 Foreign Nationals are Registered Vote in Washington, DC

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it received records showing that as of June 583 foreign nationals are registered to vote in Washington, DC. The records from the Board of Elections also confirm that noncitizens can be election workers.

Judicial Watch received the documents in response to a May 14, 2024, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records regarding the number of noncitizens registered to vote in Washington, DC, under the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act.

In 2022 the DC Council amended the District of Columbia Election Code of 1955 “to expand the definition of the term qualified elector for the purpose of local elections to include otherwise eligible non-citizen residents.” The act went into effect in 2023 and allows noncitizens to vote in local elections for positions including mayor, attorney general, city council member, State Board of Education member or Advisory Neighborhood Commission member. Noncitizens can also vote on local referendums, ballot initiatives and recalls. more

4 Comments on Judicial Watch: DC Board of Elections Records Reveal 583 Foreign Nationals are Registered Vote in Washington, DC

  1. If Congress doesn’t prevent illegals from voting (which they won’t because Democrats all voted against voter integrity legislation of any type) the election will be stolen once again. If that happens, this country is done. It is evident that this was the Democrat’s plan all along. Citizens of this country should be livid.

  2. Didn’t Tom Fitton announce last week that he had front a very reliable inside source that Biden was to announce his withdrawal Monday? Three days ago? That Monday?


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