Judicial Watch Files Taxpayer Lawsuit Against University Of California To End In-State Tuition For Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Files Taxpayer Lawsuit Against University Of California To End In-State Tuition For Illegal Aliens


Washington, DC – Kendall Forward, OAN Political Correspondent

The watchdog group Judicial Watch is petitioning the Supreme Court to review the use of funds by independent state agencies. The group is filing a lawsuit on behalf of a resident of California to end in-state tuition grants for illegal aliens from the University of California.

According to the group, roughly 27 million dollars in California taxpayer money is going to fund tuitions for illegal alien or non-resident students.

Judicial Watch president, Tom Fitton says, “the Board of Regents isn’t the state legislature. They can’t authorize illegal benefits like the state tuition.”

He says, though controversial, it’s legal for the state to issue certain in-state tuition benefits to illegal aliens, but it’s not legal of independent agencies like the Regent to do so. He and Judicial Watch are petitioning the Supreme Court to review the policies to “send a signal to various jurisdictions or localities trying to run their own immigration policies.”

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6 Comments on Judicial Watch Files Taxpayer Lawsuit Against University Of California To End In-State Tuition For Illegal Aliens

  1. The 9th Circuit will throw it out saying the man has no standing or some other b.s. The laws do not apply except those they can bastardize, like gun regs, to use agains’t conservatives.

  2. California is not alone.

    Since 2001, 18 states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma*, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin—have passed legislation extending in-state tuition rates to undocumented students who meet specific requirements.

  3. Why do they need to go to college. They only come here to do jobs Americans won’t do. Right? Isn’t that what the illegal alien apologists have been telling us?

  4. This is why I give $25 bucks to Judicial Watch every year, without fail.

    In descending order, other groups I give to are:
    Second Amendment Foundation (Alan Gottlieb KICKS ASS!!)

    Last year, I also gave to Ted Cruz, Don Trump, Steve Scaliese (I’m ashamed), Cassidy for US Sanator, Whatsisname Kennedy for US Senator US Gummint, Gianforte-Whatsisname for Congress in Whatever Up North Because he Bum-Rushed That Leftist Reporter, etc etc yada yada blah blah

    What the fuck – just show me a Conservatarian and I’ll throw ten bucks at ’em. Ask BFH, he’ll tell ya….I Live To Give!

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