Judicial Watch Releases A Batch of Hillary’s E-mails – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Releases A Batch of Hillary’s E-mails

Lost in the fog of whore are the Judical Watch leaks.

WikiLeaks isn’t the only one exposing the Clinton State Department monetization.  Judicial Watch has released 323 pages of communications showing where unsecured classified materials were sent. It shows the cash deals that were hammered out for access to Madame secretary.

She belongs behind bars, not the desk in the oval office.


5 Comments on Judicial Watch Releases A Batch of Hillary’s E-mails

  1. And to think, Huma was using YAHOO MAIL. Yahoo mail has had major hacking problems several times a year and has no security options except for “change your passwords every few months.”

  2. But, but, the FBI is professional, competent and non-partisan.
    150 agents didn’t think to ask for Huma’s e-mails and devices until local law enforcement showed them the e-mails?
    Stinks to high heaven.

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