Judicial Watch: State Department Made Deal with Hillary Clinton to Keep Call Log, Schedules Secret – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch: State Department Made Deal with Hillary Clinton to Keep Call Log, Schedules Secret

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new U.S. Department of State documents showing former Secretary Hillary Clinton and her then-Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin were permitted to remove electronic and physical records under a claim they were “personal” materials and “unclassified, non-record materials,” including files of Clinton’s calls and schedules, which were not to be made public. The documents show the Obama State Department records would not be “released to the general public under FOIA.”

The new records also show that Huma Abedin was allowed to take five boxes of “physical files” out of the State Department that include records described as “Muslim Engagement Documents.”

Judicial Watch obtained the reports about the records from a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for:

Any and all DS-1904 (Authorization for the Removal of Personal Papers and Non-Record Materials) forms completed by, or on behalf of, any of the following individuals:

Former Secretary Hillary Clinton

Former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills

Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin

Former Deputy Chief of Staff Jacob Sullivan

The documents include a list of official and personal calls and schedules that Clinton removed, which carry a special notation that the documents were not to be made public records. The notation is on an addendum to a DS-1904 signed by Clarence N. Finney Jr., then-director of the Office of Correspondence and Records, who was the reviewing officer. (Judicial Watch has a pending request for the deposition of Finney in separate litigation concerning Clinton emails and the Benghazi terrorist attack.) MORE

13 Comments on Judicial Watch: State Department Made Deal with Hillary Clinton to Keep Call Log, Schedules Secret

  1. “Brad, I’m hopin she’s dying!”

    She needs to be perp walked. She needs to be charged with the Clinton Machine Murders. She needs to be charged with Benghazi. I hope she lives for a while. I hope she out lives John McStain.

  2. Uncle Al

    Benghazi bother me like no other. There’s a bunch of new info coming out on Benghazi. don’t care what else that Bitch hangs for. But if there’s a God in heaven she needs to hang for Benghazi. You just don’t do that shit to our warriors.

  3. It’s well past time to indict her and a corrupt FBI that covered for her so she could steal the election. They all need to go to jail (gaol if you’re a brit). And they should remember the old phrase, “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” When they finally indict and convict these criminals it will be of be of Biblical and monumental as well as epic proportions shouted from the highest rooftops so that even idiots can understand just how corrupt they are. And God help not to gloat when it happens because it will be tempting to delight in their downfall.

  4. Clinton’s one of the Elites. It takes an awful lot to bring one of them down, because they watch out for and protect each other. Any normal person would already be behind bars for the classified materials breach alone, never mind Benghazi and the rest. I suspect the only way to get her is build a case so damning that it would be political suicide for any of the other Elites to try to save her. Then they’ll take her to the bus stop and she’ll be given a farewell smooch on both cheeks before becoming a speed bump for that Greyhound double-decker headed her way.

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