Judicial Watch Sues For Documents Potentially Showing FBI Ignored Evidence That China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Server – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch Sues For Documents Potentially Showing FBI Ignored Evidence That China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Server

DC: The watchdog group Judicial Watch is suing the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) to produce records detailing the FBI response to warnings that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server had been compromised by a foreign power.

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) found that Clinton’s server was compromised with malware that caused every one of Clinton’s emails to be copied to a foreign entity, according to a congressman on the House Judiciary Committee.

In July 2018, during the committee’s questioning of Strzok, Republican Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert described a meeting in which named members of the ICIG staff met with Strzok. He said they informed Stzrok of “an anomaly they had found on Hillary Clinton’s emails that were going to the private unauthorized server that you were supposed to be investigating.”

“It was going to an unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia,” Gohmert said.

At the hearing, Strzok acknowledged the meeting, but claimed he did not recall being told by qualified fellow government investigators of a massive national security breach that would be a major smoking gun in the case he was working.

“The forensic examination was done by the ICIG and they can document that,” Gohmert said, “but you were given that information and you did nothing with it.”

The Clinton email probe was perceived as having a major impact on the 2016 election. Former FBI director James Comey held a July 2016 press conference in which he acknowledged reckless practices by Clinton but said:

We did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal email domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence.

Judicial Watch hopes the suit will prove that political partisanship compromised the investigation. “Our lawsuit could further expose how anti-Trump activists like disgraced FBI official Peter Strzok bent over backwards to protect Hillary Clinton from having to answer for her national security crimes,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.  read more

4 Comments on Judicial Watch Sues For Documents Potentially Showing FBI Ignored Evidence That China Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Server

  1. I’m going to keep hitting the snooze- wait me up when she is frog marched/perp walked into the court. Which is to say everyone knows she is guilty as, I was going to say “Hell”, but “Smollett” has a better ring.

    I keep asking myself “when will her home get raided by the full tactical SWAT FBI team at 0:dark thirty? These reports are just a constant reminder that there is a class in this country that is above the law and it makes me sick.

  2. Between Chinese spies and Pakistani IT guys, nobody had to hack the DNC. They were either too stupid to know they were giving information away or they were selling it. Either way, these are not people that should be in positions of power.


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