Judicial Watch – “This is the democrats trying to destroy those who investigate their criminal behavior” – IOTW Report

Judicial Watch – “This is the democrats trying to destroy those who investigate their criminal behavior”

Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit in order to obtain information surrounding the firing of the Ukraine president.

Tom Fitton’s point of view, regarding the “phone call,” is that Trump has every right to conduct an investigation as to who is trying to destroy his presidency and, furthermore, he should solicit the help of more countries that might have those answers.

The democrats impeachment inquiry is an attempt to destroy enitities looking into THEIR corruption.

8 Comments on Judicial Watch – “This is the democrats trying to destroy those who investigate their criminal behavior”

  1. All of the Democrat leadership and ALL of the RINOs who voted against funding the wall should be a good start for criminal investigations undertaken. Start with Schiff. Oh, and where is Schumer hiding out these days?

  2. Quid pro Joe and the drug addict millionaire are laughing all the way to the bank. As another, in your face, Democrat crime spree, it seems, is getting swept under the rug. Next thing you know the Biden’s will be on a book tour.


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