Julian Assange Suggests That Murdered DNC Staffer Might Be the Source That Released Damaging Emails That Led To DNC Upheavals – IOTW Report

Julian Assange Suggests That Murdered DNC Staffer Might Be the Source That Released Damaging Emails That Led To DNC Upheavals

Assange said the murder of Seth Rich has had an impact on his whistleblower sources.

When the interviewer suggested that this statement would lead people to believe that Rich was one of his sources, he neither confirmed nor denied the speculation.


11 Comments on Julian Assange Suggests That Murdered DNC Staffer Might Be the Source That Released Damaging Emails That Led To DNC Upheavals

  1. The trail behind her fat ass of murdered corpses, death under suspicious circumstances, death by causes unknown, etc. and victims follow Cankles like the contrails follow the jumbo jet in the sky…always never proveable, because she has protection by the DOJ and WH…i hope Trump kicks her ass in Nov and cleans house. LONG OVERDUE….the fact that Barky protects her for reason or reasons unknown make him as guilty as any co-conspirator ever has been or will be….

  2. I read a theory that Assange has failing health from being locked inside for years and is trying to get Obama/Hillary to make a deal along with Sweden for his freedom by threatening them with the DNC dump to show he had information and now the slow drip and threat of incriminating evidence. The end game being if he dumps nothing else harmful and is walking around free next year we all know what happened. I thought it was a little bit of a long shot theory – who would ever trust these people to keep their word or leave you alone.

  3. Hillary is free because she knows everyone’s corruption, democrat and republican, and probably even has files on them. She would blow the lid off everyone. She has successfully screwed, blackmailed, bribed, threatened, murdered, and manipulated herself to the top. However what goes up . . .

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