Jumpsuit – IOTW Report



30 Comments on Jumpsuit

  1. Must not speak to or make direct eye contact with Hildabeast. You are expected to disappear into the closest cell until she leaves the vicinity.

    With any luck she’ll be in the orange zone for some time. And Bill too must be loving this prospect.

  2. How long before the *** breaking news *** that Hillary is rushed to the hospital ? I see this coming soon. She needs to get out of the public view and she/Bill will blame the right wing conspiracy for driving her to collapse.

    The demons will get them sympathy and repubics will take the blame like champs. Maybe she will stay in the isolation ward until the primaries are over. It wouldn’t surprise me.

  3. I’d like to know who the Dems have in the wings. Biden may come in but he won’t get elected and O’Malley and the rest are filler. Remember that Obama kind of came in out of nowhere (he was raising his profile but it still wasn’t high enough) and along with a piece of the Democrat party sandbagged Clinton.

  4. I saw the pictures today, as I’m sure most of you guys did, of Bill and Hitlary walking the two mutts on the beach at the Hamptons palace they rented. The palace that only One Percenters can afford to lounge in.

    This was different from the usual staged photos of them dancing, holding paws, smiling at each other. This looked bad. They were both stone faced and clearly pondering some serious shit. These things are almost unnoticeable but they speak volumes. I’m getting a hopeful feeling that she knows she’s done.

  5. Never gonna happen. And don’t get me wrong, I’d love for her, Bill, Barry, ValJar, Huma, Chelsea, Boehner, Ryan, Cantor, Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, O’Malley, Biden, Washerwoman-Schlutz, Dean, and a host of others perish in Room 101.

    But it ain’t gonna happen.

    The Sheeple look up, and are not fed.

    Until the Sheeple wake up, and decide to transmogrify from mutton to lion, this is the way it will be.

    As it was, is now, and forever will be.

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