June 6 – IOTW Report

June 6

h/t Doc.

24 Comments on June 6

  1. Thank you and God Bless!

    What would those brave men have thought about storming the beaches if they knew that just 2-3 generations later we would be throwing our liberty and our country into the shitter?

  2. I’d find it hard to fight for most of the American people these days. American values and what we stand for, yes. 50% of the people, not so much. Politicians? Hell no.

  3. June 6th 1944: 18 year olds charging straight into gunfire, chances of dying, good. June 6th 2022: somebody didn’t use the correct pronoun or made a joke about women or black people. Chances of getting butt hurt, very good.

  4. …but, but, but, weren’t they afraid to get shot?

    They should have just circled and tried to negotiate, and kept the French and Brits and Canadians from making any landings ’till they were done.

    I’m sure all the Jews were dead anyway. No need to hurry.

  5. C’mon man! We could have stopped those White Supremacists if we just banned 9mm at home before it blows everyone’s lungs out.

    Speaking of blowing, I smell a 9 year old! Have the FBI bring her to ME!

  6. Unprecedented growth and prosperity for 75 years.
    Then Biden is thrust upon us, attempting to return us to the 1930s great depression and creating the “Greatest” Depression.

    Doing something Biden is good at, turning prosperity into lost IRAs, 401Ks, mortgage foreclosures and empty bank accounts.


    Men die practicing Amphibious Assaults when there is no enemy!

    58 years ago off Del Mar (part of Pendleton) it was not unheard of for a Jarhjead to die in the ocean. Clmbing down a slimey, slippery, cold, wet cargo net at 0145 with 250 lbs of gear on you is risky business! Slip into the ocean and you likely “bought the farm”! For some reason there was never a moon; always overcast.

    Med died with out Hun shootin at them!

  8. One of my father’s boyhood friends from Wichita Falls, Texas landed on Omaha Beach with the 116th Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division. He fought all the way from D-Day through France with the same Company during the ferocious Battles for Saint-Lo and Brest, and into Germany without being wounded. At the end of the War, Sargent Bill Lewis was one of only three men from his company still serving, all the rest had been killed or wounded in combat and replaced with new recruits. He often spoke with fellow veterans about his time in the Army, but you would never know how much combat he had experienced. Decades after his service he started going to schools to tell students about the high price in American lives that it cost to liberate Europe from Hitler’s Nazis. He visited Normandy several times with other Veterans before he died. Like every other man in his Senior High School Class, he volunteered for service the day after Pearl Harbor.

  9. My family has given plenty fighting for the former America we knew, I don’t want any of the new members in my family to give another drop of blood, sweat or pain for the BS phony Americans we have in Washington or the Federal government. Next battle will for taking America back from the Aholes who are destroying it.

  10. I honor the brave lads of several nations that stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944 or on other fronts during WWII. Just to think about what they faced on the beaches – being blown apart from an artillery round or being cut in two by machine gun fire. We owe them more than we can imagine.

    In that, I also honor the soldiers of Russia who, in Churchill’s words, tore the guts out of the Wermacht. Anyone who reads about Stalingrad can’t help but admire their bravery.

  11. Just read that worthless Joe Obiden didn’t issue a proclamation honoring D-Day for the second time. I’m guessing that since his deceased, lawyer son, Beau Biden, didn’t die on Omaha Beach, it didn’t rate a Presidential Proclamation. What a disgraceful POS.

  12. I knew one older gentleman named John who owned a flower shop in Moscow, Idaho along with his son about 20 years or so ago. John was a D Day veteran and served all the way thru until the end of World War 2. He was a good man who has since passed away in the early 2000’s in his 80’s. After 9 11, I asked him what he thought about the War on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan, he told me that he hated war because of all the good men around him whom he had seen killed or wounded in WW 2 and wished that we would stay the hell out of that war, and he was right. I know I couldn’t do what my dad and my uncle’s generation did in WW 2. But they saved the world from tyranny under the Nazi’s and the Japs and made the world a better place for what they did. Let’s hope and pray to God that we can do the same as they did to make sure it never happens again. But I have my doubts because of the mess that we’re in right now because of joey and the democraps and the gutless weenie RINO’s who want to destroy this great country from within.


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