Jury Rejects Government’s Case Against Whitmer Kidnappers – IOTW Report

Jury Rejects Government’s Case Against Whitmer Kidnappers

Two of the accused were acquitted outright today by the jury in the Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot trial. A mistrial was declared for another two, including the accused ringleader, Adam Fox. Here

Two others had already plead guilty. More detail on how the government’s case fell apart. Here

17 Comments on Jury Rejects Government’s Case Against Whitmer Kidnappers

  1. I heard today that the FBI already had laser beams set up outside of where Whitmer was staying. So, she was in on this scenario–she should be charged along with the FBI but they won’t. At least, this is the right verdict.

  2. Classic case of malicious prosecution. Sue everyone involved through the floor. The taxpayers have absolutely no obligation whatsoever to fund their defense. They are on their own. Sue them jointly and collectively.

  3. Yes, Whitmer and the thugs in the FBI should be in the dock.
    And executed after a “fair” trial – all of them – together.
    Dig a hole, put them in it, cover it up.
    Such egregious abuses of power should not be condoned by civilized men – these are GESTAPO/KGB tactics.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Using the instrumentalities of government to persecute innocent citizens should result in immediate, violent and painful death upon conviction to any and all who had even the most tangential involvement in it.

  5. The completely bogus case served its purpose. It convinced a few thousand utter fucking morons that Trumpsters were “domestic terrorists”. No need to push on. They got the results they wanted.


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