Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins – IOTW Report

Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins

Hey, they gave Black Jesus a Peace Prize, so why can’t the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People give a race huckster an award?

USA Today (an apt name for this piece, by the way)

Just days after the prosecutors dropped all charges against Jussie Smollett, who had been indicted on 16 counts of disorderly conduct, the “Empire” actor could again make headlines.

Smollett is nominated for the 2019 NAACP Image Awards, scheduled for Saturday. Six-time host and “Black-ish” star Anthony Anderson told Variety on Wednesday that he hopes to see the controversial actor there.

“I hope he wins,” Anderson added. “I’m happy for him that the system worked for him in his favor because the system isn’t always fair, especially for people of color. So I’m glad it worked out for him.”

When asked whether or not Smollett would be in attendance at the award ceremony this year, representative Pamela Sharp told USA TODAY she did “not have that information as of now.”

“It’s not my place or any other person’s place to judge him or what not, but I’m glad the he’s nominated,” Anderson concluded. “I hope he wins because I’d be interested to hear his speech.”


ht/ hot salsa

By the way. We give awards too –>


25 Comments on Jussie Smollett is nominated for an NAACP Award, and host Anthony Anderson hopes he wins

  1. I hope he wins too! All these phoney baloney awards for cloward-piven style trouble makers, given by socialist, exclusionists will only make these awards look as meaningless as those that receive them.

  2. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that Edwards is happy his bro having bought/bribed/dealt his way out a race crime. He stars in a show called Blackish. It’s a half hour comedy which is petty good with good writing and acting. It’s a good watch if you can handle the two or three minute lecture on white bad, black martyrs/mistreated/cheated/railroaded that occurs every damn show. Sometimes it’s all at once or streamed throughout in little bits. I wonder whether the Feds will arrest him for mail crime before the awards show. Maybe he can accept the award televised from his cell.

  3. It’s patently obvious Anthony Anderson is so jealous of white folk he can’t stand it.
    He hates whitey with a passion.
    Green with envy.
    I used to watch his show but the preaching of white hate, white guilt, white, white, white, I couldn’t be bothered to waste my time on his bullshit any more.

  4. So predictable, the dems answer to save any disgraced dem – give them an award! Dan Rather when he smeared Bish, Christine Ford after she smeared Kavanaugh and now Jussie the brave pussie beat up by some of his buds in whiteface so clearly MAGA/Trump related. No one believes that crap but other loser lefties.

  5. Look at all the black glitterati circling the G-Wagens around Juicie. Look at the addle-brained old black coots giving Juicie a Hoax Participation prize. Sickening.

    I was still wavering on Trump in the Summer of 2016. Then he politely told the NAACP to shove their convention. That really caught my eye. Keep doing that, PDT.

  6. Of course Anthony supports Jussie.
    The show Black’ish is a hoax just as well.

    Black’ish Synopsis:

    An affluent black family, the father an ad agency executive, the mother a prestigious doctor, four kids in private school, rich neighborhood, expensive cars, clothing, etc.

    As Brooke would attest, “This is America in 2019.”

  7. Does the dress code mandate that his pants be down around his lower thighs with a backward baseball cap raked over his left eye and a bottle of ripple in his back pocket?

  8. We truly live in progressive hell.

    This story and the one about the Georgia election only allowing black press in makes you truly feel the shit storm obamination brought upon America and it continues.

    When will the sane just say ENOUGH!

  9. Well, we see what an NAACP award is worth. Nothing.

    So sad for the people involved in this. They’re actiong as stupid as the people hating them think they are because of their race.


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