Just a Reminder of the Sort of Slime That Seems To Surround CLINTONS – IOTW Report

Just a Reminder of the Sort of Slime That Seems To Surround CLINTONS


He is Edward “Ed” Mezvinsky, born January 17, 1937.
Then you’ll probably say, “Who is Ed Mezvinsky?”

Well, he is a former Democrat congressman who represented Iowa’s 1st congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for two terms, from 1973 to 1977.

He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.

He was outspoken saying that Nixon was a crook and a disgrace to politics and the nation and should be impeached.

He and the Clintons were friends and very politically intertwined for many years.

Ed Mezvinsky had an affair with NBC News reporter Marjorie Sue Margolies and later married her after his wife divorced him.

In 1993, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, then a freshman Democrat in Congress, cast the deciding vote that got President Bill Clinton’s controversial tax package through the House of Representatives.

In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 counts of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.

Ed Mezvinsky embezzled more than $10 million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the notorious Nigerian e-mail scams.

He was found guilty and sentenced to 80 months in federal prison.

After serving less than five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008 and remains on federal probation.

To this day, he still owes $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.

About now you are saying, “So what!”

Well, this is Marc and Chelsea Mezvinsky.



That’s right; Ed Mezvinsky is Chelsea Clinton’s father-in law.


ht/ KPark

15 Comments on Just a Reminder of the Sort of Slime That Seems To Surround CLINTONS

  1. Sounds like a feudal marriage arrangement to bind two dynastic (die-nasty) lord-of-the-manor families together.
    Rope. Tree / lamppost. Crooks. Some assembly required.
    May both families burn in hell.

  2. How in the world can anyone support them? I just get sick thinking about these things. And if Hillary is still in the race in November she we get 10’s of millions of votes. Unfuckinbelievable!

  3. The slime didn’t start nor will it end with the clintons. If you did a bubble diagram of the entire federal (and a lot of state) gov’t, the associations would be marked by very heavy black lines. They’re all “family.” We’re just the family dog.

  4. What difference, at this point, does it make?
    Other than costing tax payers as shit load of money. He’s a little nobody shitbag. Fuck him!
    I’m much more interested in the Benghazi and the Persian Gulf Piracy. No fucking comment from anyone.

  5. I need a barf bag when I look at the Clintons.
    How much is enough? Power, money, sex, whatever.
    These are pathetic, one-dimensional climbers who will screw anybody to get what they want.
    I absolutely do not understand them.
    Saw her on that ‘debate’ tonight.
    What kind of person shamelessly takes credit for things they never did, and arrogantly skates on all accountability for the horrible shit they did do?

  6. Arrogant skaters for 100, Alex.

    “What kind of person shamelessly takes credit for things they never did, and arrogantly skates on all accountability for the horrible shit they did do?”

    What is a Democrat?

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