Just Another Day on a Queens NY Subway Platform in Ocasio-Cortez Country – IOTW Report

Just Another Day on a Queens NY Subway Platform in Ocasio-Cortez Country

This is Cortez Country.

Man shot in the face by MS-13 gang member following scuffle on the platform.

19 Comments on Just Another Day on a Queens NY Subway Platform in Ocasio-Cortez Country

  1. Just had a great conversation on IG with some black conservatives about crime in the inner city. They know how to stop it. Start issuing Carry permits to law abiding citizens. They have a hoody out that says, “Any Gun Law Is Racist”. The Libs were there in spades. Wow, that didn’t sound right. The libs were prolific. But we kicked their asses.

  2. PHUCK the laws made by politicians….carry concealed, know how to use your weapon and keep your secret about GOD’s given right to protect yourself….to yourself.
    Worry about the aftermath….afterwards.

  3. Cripes that horse did not flinch.
    I would to see that at a rodeo, they were moving fast.
    Beats barrel racing.
    Thanks for the link Brad,you get your snow, we have about 3 inches and down to 19F for a low tonight with 20 MPH winds

  4. Geoff

    I’ve been following this shit, actually her because she’s hotter than hell, (make sure AA doesnt see this stuff). It’s a fascinating sport. You need a bad ass horse that doesn’t mind gun fire. You need two SA pistols that apparently fire 8 rounds.
    I would go watch this sport.
    Imagine how effective these women would be at border control. LOL

  5. Geoff

    Suppose to be tomorrow. It’s colder than a mother in laws kiss outside right now. Last time this happened I was pulling passenger cars out of shit for an hour before I could get to the trees that were dropped and blocking the only two ways out of here. We get even a dusting here tomorrow morning I’m sleeping in.

  6. These twats would not make 30 seconds in a Waffle House,,,
    Hey, I can dream and hope,,
    Brad, “a mother in laws kiss outside right now”.
    Sincere wishes, pack it in,,,LOL!

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