Just As Soon as Hef Stiffens For the Last Time His Heirs Publish a Transgender Playmate – IOTW Report

Just As Soon as Hef Stiffens For the Last Time His Heirs Publish a Transgender Playmate

It’s almost as if they were waiting for him to kick it so they could turn the essence of female on its head.

They call the “playmate” a French beauty. I don’t think he has his twig and berries any longer. I think they went into a medical waste bin and washed up on some beach somewhere.


The latest issue of Playboy features a transgender playmate, a first in the magazine’s 64-year history.

Ines Rau poses fully nude in the November/December 2017 issue, which is also the first to hit newsstands following the death of the magazine’s founder, Hugh Hefner.

The feature has been met with mixed reviews online.

“When I open a Playboy, I expect to see women, not some guy who identifies as a woman, or some former male who has had the surgery to become female,” wrote one commenter on the magazine’s Facebook page.


ht/ fdr in hell

41 Comments on Just As Soon as Hef Stiffens For the Last Time His Heirs Publish a Transgender Playmate

  1. Hef did more damage to male-female relations, marriage in general, and female self-image than anybody else you can think of.

    So sure, why not feature a dickless freak? What a fitting ode to this megacreep.

    We’re so far down the track to hell already, why not speed just the meteor?

  2. Mike Robinson hasn’t gone under the knife yet, based on some of the swollen vulva shots we’ve seen of the his alter-ego “Michelle” over the years.

    He’s more of a “tucker” trannie.

  3. Playboy always was pansy porn. But they did do full frontal nudity.

    Failure to do so in this case is transphobic.

    Then it can change it’s name to Playboi or Play-bi.

    Most likely, PayBois.

  4. Let me guess – along with perversion, depravity, pederasty, pedophilia, bestiality, homosexuality, communism, socialism, anti-Semitism, National Socialism, and public schools turning out functional morons for a century – what’s next?

    We got wicca, izlam, rostafarianism, animism, sodomism, militant atheism, and nihilism … soooooo … the gov’t gonna build altars to Baal?
    With taxpayers’ dollars?

    How long? How long do we endure these assaults, affronts, and insults?
    Beyond what point can we (honestly) say “It ain’t my fault?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. They have their checklist of depravity lined up. They are just waiting for the next filth to go up as a trial balloon, take the heat, then wait for the media to label them “revolutionary” “ahead of their time!” “prudes need to mind their business.”

  6. Some years ago I worked with Christie Hefner on a charity fundraiser. She struck me as having been thoroughly traumatized by the Smart Mean Gitls at Wellesley or wherever, and deeply ashamed of the whole Playboy cash cow. She would have preferred her dad founded The Atlantic, or The Village Voice.

    The long decline and fall of Playboy Inc is a fascinating business study.

  7. Always look at the hands & feet. Almost passes until you get to the last pic., the sz 14 shoes are a dead giveaway.

    I’ve always wondered, would a woman be more psychologically scarred if her husband were to leave her for another woman or a man. The tranny angle would push me over the cliff.

  8. Sure, OK, that’s normal.
    I remember being 18 fresh out of Boot camp and ITR, half inebriated, walking near Squid Square in San Diego. At a distance we saw two well dressed and very attractive ladies standing in front of the theater. The closer we got, the more appealing they got, up until we got close enough to hear two males talking, we looked around, but they were the only people there.
    This naive, mid-west, small town, 18 year old couldn’t imagine what happened, all I kept repeating was “You gotta be shittin’ me”!
    That was my first lesson on perversity and your eyes don’t always tell you the entire story.
    It’s been all down hill since then.

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