Just Chillin’ – IOTW Report

Just Chillin’

Images from:

1 The Rat Fink (Scout)
2 Sturge
3 Tim
4 Steve Brown (warthogs)
5 Poor Lazlo (Angus)
6 Little Sis (Pistol)
7 Mr. Pinko
8 Dee
9 Eugenia (Chessie)
10 JustAl
11 Dee (Cheech)

Submit your critter pictures for an upcoming Sunday Critters. Please email them to:


They must be a picture you (or family/friend) took and are willing to have us publish them on this site. Do not send any images you found on the internet.

Use ‘Critters’ in the subject line. Include your screen name in the body of the email. Tell me the name of your critter so I can include it with your screen name. Let us know in the comments any other info you want to share!



23 Comments on Just Chillin’

  1. RE: #2
    That was Max, about 10 years ago. Fun story behind this.

    The wife had come home from the store with some flowers for the deck, but hadn’t thought that I’d not gotten around to building any planters yet. So I looked at my scrap pile and built a simple box.

    While I was screwing it together, I thought it would be nice to also have a place to set my coffee on the brisk Spring mornings we get here in Colorado. So I added some 2x10s around the perimeter of the planter box.

    Now, the original dimensions of the box were determined by the size of the scrap I had laying around, and in adding the surrounding table, I had now exceeded the width of the porch door. This is important because of the hail we so often enjoy here, and the wife’s desire to shelter her flowers from said ice balls.

    So I devised a system of a removable roof for this simple box. Here is the result if anyone would care to take a gander:

    Now, Max was much less a fan of flowers than the wife, and promptly decided that this planter/coffee table/wishing well was now to be his throne.

    In the end, I spent exactly $0.00 on this particular whateveryoucallit.

  2. @Sturge,
    I am impressed with the details of your design. As an engineer, I always wonder if construction project details, like your roof post mount, are thought out in advance, or improvised as the construction advances.
    Please reply.

  3. @ Jethro

    The first time I was asked that question, I gave the obvious answer: Square bit. I was surprised to learn someone designed such a thing:
    But I was raised with the old tools.

    The real answer is yes, but backwards from the way most people do it. As I had an easy-to-determine center for my desired holes, I used a large spade bit, then nicked out the corners with the sabre.

  4. @Sturge
    I own a mortising jig and bit set for my drill press. Very useful when the need arises.
    I have made square holes both ways (the other way is drilling the corners first). Like you mentioned, either way works, but your starting point dictates which is most practical.
    Another way is with an oscillating tool:
    This is a great gift for a hobbyist or do-it-yourselfer.


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