Just Curious, That’s All – IOTW Report

Just Curious, That’s All

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22 Comments on Just Curious, That’s All

  1. Thanks Claudia

    24 Luna Cycles post Moon Train MAGA roll.
    Some Zero-G relaxation
    Floating from 404 Lunar Cycles ago
    For your Time and Space pleasure

    Andreas Vollenweider
    1986 – Down To The Moon , 45m47s

    01 – Down To The Moon +00.0
    02 – Moon Dance + 02.28
    03 – Steam Forest + 06.39
    04 – Water Moon + 11.34
    05 – Night Fire Dance + 13.50
    06 – Quiet Observer + 18.44
    07 – Silver Wheel + 21.30
    08 – Drown In Pale Light + 25.26
    09 – The Secret, The Candle, And Love + 27.40
    10 – Hush, Patience At Bamboo Forest + 31.25
    11 – Three Silver Ladies Dance + 31.36
    12 – La Lune Et L’enfant + 34.17
    13 + + Moonday + 36.18
    14 + + Hey You! Yes, You + 42.38

  2. Oh, those raccoons are curious alright! Trying to figure out how to get in your house and rummage through everything.

    R#1: Looks like no one’s home! You think they have cat food?

    R#2 We’ll never know if we don’t in and look.

    R#1 But there’s no open door!

    R#2 We’ll make one! There’s always a way in, you just have to tear it up some and find the weak spot. Got your burglar mask on?

    R#1 Always!


  3. LOOKING FOR THE LOOPHOLE (a thought for your Sunday)

    by Ricky Kurth

    To many people, it just doesnā€™t seem right that God would punish someone in hell for all eternity, and so they look for loopholes in the Bibleā€™s clear teaching about eternal damnation (Rev. 14:11, etc.). They mean well, but they remind us of what the Lord said about the rich man in hell, who pleaded that Lazarus be sent to warn his five brothers, ā€œlest they also come into this place of tormentā€ (Luke 16:28). It is often argued from this that this man had repented, and only a God who was a monster would refuse to release him. As we compare Scripture with Scripture, however, we believe otherwise, especially when we compare the torments of hell to the torments of the Tribulation.

    There are many ways to show that the Tribulation will be a time of hell on earth, but perhaps the simplest is found when we read that ā€œin those days shall men seek death, and shall not find itā€ (Rev. 9:6). What a picture of hell! You would think that everyone on the receiving end of the unfathomable torments of that day would repent in the hope that God would relent and spare them further torment. Yet despite the fact that men will be ā€œscorched with great heatā€ (Rev. 16:9), in Johnā€™s vision, they ā€œblasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented notā€¦ of their deedsā€ (vv. 9,11).

    In light of all this, we feel the rich manā€™s request to warn his five brothers was not an indication of any repentance on his part ā€” far from it. Like many incarcerated men, he was looking for a loophole in the prosecutionā€™s case against him. You see, if Lazarus was sent from the dead to warn his brothers, he could argue that he never benefited from such a supernatural warning, making his conviction unjust.

    Add it all up and a more accurate picture of hell appears. Hell is not filled with cries of repentance to which God turns an unfeeling deaf ear. Like the description of the Tribulation we just read, the air is rather filled with the sound of blasphemy, voiced by men who are eternally convinced that God is wrong and they do not belong there.

    Fortunately, dear reader, you do not have to go there. Just admit that God is right, that you are sinner (Rom. 3:23) who deserves to die an eternal death for your sins (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 20:14), but that Christ died for your sins so that you donā€™t have to (I Cor. 15:1-4). ā€œBelieve on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be savedā€ (Acts 16:31).

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