Just Desserts – Lowlife who spearheaded “gay wedding cake” episode currently losing his Sec of State bid in Oregon – IOTW Report

Just Desserts – Lowlife who spearheaded “gay wedding cake” episode currently losing his Sec of State bid in Oregon

There is some interesting and potential impactful news out of Blue State Oregon.

Republican, Dennis Richardson, is running ahead of Brad Avakian for the Secretary of State position. Brad Avakian was the lowlife Labor Commissioner who spearheaded the mean-spirited case of the Gresham Bakery owners and the gay-wedding cake fiasco. He nailed the bakers with a $135,000 judgement and two weeks ago the bakers announced they were closing their business.

Our now Governor, Kate Brown, was the previous Secretary of State, put in place through Soros’ “Secretary of State Project.” (I’m sure Soros is backing Avakian, too.)

If we elect a Republican in that position, there will be some major developments in a variety of areas: voter registration, motor voter, illegal ID cards etc.

Keep an eye on this.

LINK to the Election Results


17 Comments on Just Desserts – Lowlife who spearheaded “gay wedding cake” episode currently losing his Sec of State bid in Oregon

  1. Madcow has to worry about how to keep her infobots tuned into her rants as her station fades into the darkness from whence it came. Rachel, Head to your local lesbo bar and you may find Gramma there soaking her hurt in a gallon of swill. Kiss her just right and you may get to take the Persian’s place for now.
    Ta…toodle loo Biatche’.

  2. This arrogant pos needs to be put out on the street and forced to beg for food while wearing an “I am an Ass” sign. What he did to good people is unforgivable.
    Shame on the people of Oregon for not tarring and feathering him on day one!

  3. How does that old Stones song go?

    “The table’s turning, now it’s your turn to cry”

    I don’t see this country staying on the gay/faggot/lgbt/tranny indoctrination path like it has been the past 8 years.

    You want a buttfucker’s cake? Bake it yourself. Eat it in the closet.

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