Just Do It!!! Nike Stock Plummets – IOTW Report

Just Do It!!! Nike Stock Plummets

This is what happens when you choose a mediocre athlete/activist, who isn’t working, as the face of your sports company.

Zero Hedge

ht/ fdr in hell


This is their customer service email address, ht/ kpark



43 Comments on Just Do It!!! Nike Stock Plummets

  1. Don’t get too excited, it’s less than a 5% drop and it’s just day 1. If a boycott truly takes hold and sales fall significantly, a bigger drop in the stock price is forthcoming.

  2. The guys who will murder you for a pair of Nike shoes; they will keep wearing Nike and will be the ones cheering the new add campaign.

    The guys who are willing to pay the $$$ to buy the Nike shoes- what will he do? I’m just not seeing this as a wining plan for Nike.

  3. A Nike buycott is only part of the impact on their stock price. The bigger aspect is that the market hates uncertainty and Nike’s rocket surgeons overseeing their financial health just put Nike’s future in total chaos from a market “certainty” standpoint. Today the honest analysts are wondering aloud how it is that Nike employs execs who could make such a stupid blunder and whether or not the entire company isn’t being run by just such idiots from top to bottom.

    Fake News from Yahoo Finance: “So, what does this mean for Nike stock? Opinions are mixed. Matt Powell, a senior advisor with NPD Group, a market research firm, told Reuters, “The alt-right calls for a Nike boycott will fail just like the boycott of Dick’s Sporting Goods failed.”

    Um. Wha?

    Nike is an international (global-ist) brand, so it does have that going for it…



  4. Now the Nike Swoosh is a sound made by customer’s and investors leaving. Don’t know who advised them this was a good idea but I’m wondering if they previously worked for Target and then Dicks!

  5. Nike’s new diverse ad campaign also includes zero white people.

    If you run the numbers on NKE stock, it’s fairly valued at $28. Nike isn’t punished until it’s below that… a long way to go in this inflated market.

  6. Submitted just now…

    “Subj: Your bad judgement

    It has cost you my business. I had both my girls shopping for clothing today and would not allow them to buy any of your products.
    I explained to them his insulting and terribly mistaken opinion and they seemed to understand it for the most part.
    I, however, understand it in it’s entirety and will make certain that neither your company nor the NFL will be getting any money or support from our family.
    I found this email address embedded in an article which highlighted your stock tanking today and am happy to admit it filled me with a great deal of Schadenfreude. Good Americans have grown tired of of teh constant insults based on lies and for now, we will stick to boycotting any entity which openly hates Americans.”

    It took a great deal of restraint on my part to maintain an air of civility, but those days are numbered, I believe.

  7. what happens when you choose a mediocre athlete/activist, who isn’t working, as the face of your sports company

    Your target demographic says “Hey! Just like me!”. And goes out and buys acquires some.

  8. Don’t be a fucking link title whore, 83 to 80 is NOTHING. Stop this shit. Promote boycotting, but don’t claim such a bullshit minimal drop is a “plummet” you are a fucking liar, have no fucking morals do we? All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire, deal with it.

  9. Why him? There are so many excellent athletes who don’t have a political stand (that we know of) who would look just great as their spokesperson.
    Go radical – use a group photo of an athlete from every professional sport?

  10. 2.7% is a “plummet”?
    Reminds me of a day the talking heads on the radio reported that the Dow “tumbled” X amount of points on reaction to something Trump did with a trade deal.

    It was 0.8% of the Dow. I did the math. Lost in the noise.

    OBTW, those predicting the collapse of the NFL. Go look at revenue. They’re doing just fine so far.

  11. Chano…

    Do you know how the stock market works?
    It’s psychological.
    When I put up my “lying” headline (which is arguable) I am compelling people to dump their Nike stock, which will fulfill my prophecy.

    But I love you too.

  12. $4 Billion loss isn’t minor.

    BFH is correct. Stocks run on emotion. It’s stupid, but there you go.

    About this ‘lake of fire’ stuff. That’s a looot of cussin you did there, Chano, for somebody so pious and shit. LOL.

  13. Whoa whoa whoa…. I think I’ve seen this fiery lake on late nite real estate TV. It’s up in Oregon…. pretty sure Eric Estrada was makin’ the pitch.

    We should all team up and get a time share there.

  14. Hey IOTW your copying the LSM. A 3% drop is not “plumet”! It is a SMALL decline!


    When DJIA is 26,000 I am sure Nike will be over $80.

    I am a proud American; so I hate Goodell and his front man “Kap”. But Nike did not hurt because of their America hate. Nor will they hurt in the future – i wish they would but they have hated America at least since 1976 and have not suffered; so what changed?

    IMHO IOTW Report is doing what Bush did at the coward’s funeral! Gross exaggeration sometimes (not universally) gets an opposite reactin. I am hoping Americans react negatively to Bush’s smear of Don.

  15. I made a comment on Twitter to the post of someone saying the stock market ‘slide’ of Nike isn’t that bad. My comment:

    “The stock market slide may not be significant now and may even improve, but give it a month after 63,000,000 families take their children back-to-school shopping and spend $0 (ZERO) on Nike products. Then birthdays and Christmas; ZERO.

    THAT, my dear, WILL make a difference.”

  16. This !!! headline!!!! is mockery of the LSM. This isn’t meant for YOU guys who are paying attention, but for the lefties who only read headlines and act accordingly. We don’t know how low NIKE stock will go because we don’t have crystal balls like the Left does. So please, stop with the “nuh uhhhhhs” and go scare some lefties. Tell them NIKE wants to roll your wheelchair-bound grandmama who wears Sketchers off a cliff.

  17. Claudia’s right.
    Stock market behavior is short term because of emotions. The key is to stick to your guns and not purchase from them afterwards. People were pissed at Target but they didn’t go broke either, but it did force them to make a lot of changes (store closures, focusing more on online sales, announcing that not all stores are using their tranny bathroom policies, etc.)
    Did you see all the Target memes from that fallout? The internet is forever, people. Target is never going to live that down.

    I’m pretty sure other shoe manufacturers right now are jumping for joy and putting their shit on sale. 😀

  18. This happened the same day that my 14YO high school freshman came home and announced that he needed a new pair of Nike basketball shoes to play on his HS team. Apparently Nike gives the school $$ to wear their shoes.

    So after I emailed Nike about my disgust with this choice, I called the school and gave them a piece of my mind. It won’t change anything this year or maybe even until their contract with Nike expires, but … a girl can dream. And bitch.


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