Just For You, Diogenes’ Most Excellent Democrat Debate Summary – IOTW Report

Just For You, Diogenes’ Most Excellent Democrat Debate Summary

Maison de Diogène 11:00 PM

DMF: I knew it was going to be serious, Bernie combed his hair.

But let me first say, I spent 3 hours trying to get a simple warranty return done on my phone, and after that, I just wanted to see blood. So my mood may color my analysis a tiny bit.

I also missed a short segment about midway in the debate to go outside for some air after feeling like I was about to stab myself in the thigh with my pen. MORE HERE

10 Comments on Just For You, Diogenes’ Most Excellent Democrat Debate Summary

  1. Bloomturd is a nanny-stating, China-loving prick who I hope never wins the White House, but he was the only person on that stage who acted like a functional adult. Of all the candidates the democrats have, he’s the only one with an outside chance of capturing independent swing voters. The DNC will absolutely ram him thru. Just watch.

  2. So Bloomberg had some women issues eh?

    Says the Senator with a female racial mutiny in her campaign.

    And the Senator who writes about rape fantasies.

    And the guy who is barely within the limits of pedophilia and sexual assault whilst ambushing women and children from behind.

    And the gay man who doesnt like women at all.

    Just sayin’–shoulda stuck it back in their face.

  3. Geoff C. The Saltine

    Rumor has it, she carries a small gun between two huge breasts. She’s never getting that gun out in time with out help. Being the kind hearted person I am, I will volunteer to help.


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