Just how bad was the FBI’s Russia FISA? 51 violations and 9 false statements – IOTW Report

Just how bad was the FBI’s Russia FISA? 51 violations and 9 false statements

John Solomon Reports:

To understand just how shoddy the FBI’s work was in securing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant targeting the Trump campaign, you only need to read an obscure attachment to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report.

Appendix 1 identifies the total violations by the FBI of the so-called Woods Procedures, the process by which the bureau verifies information and assures the FISA court its evidence is true.

The Appendix identifies a total of 51 Woods procedure violations from the FISA application the FBI submitted to the court authorizing surveillance of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page starting in October 2016.

A whopping nine of those violations fell into the category called: “Supporting document shows that the factual assertion is

For those who don’t speak IG parlance, it means the FBI made nine false assertions to the FISA court. MORE

8 Comments on Just how bad was the FBI’s Russia FISA? 51 violations and 9 false statements

  1. There’s no excuse for even having a “fisa” court.

    Only ‘regimes’ have ‘secret courts’ issuing ‘secret warrants’ to their ‘secret police’.

    I’m getting pretty sick of this. Fast.

  2. …”just how shoddy”…

    Nope, deliberate. They just never thought this would get aired out.

    Good for them the rule of law has been suspended.

    Material false statements used to be a felony.

  3. After 8 years of the scummy presence of obama/jarrett/clinton in high office, the FBI has effectively been destroyed as an institution. Sure, the field agents are likely the good guys, but as an institution, it is corrupt as comey, and likely infested with rats just like him.

  4. @Anonymous December 9, 2019 at 8:02 pm

    > Sure, the field agents are likely the good guys

    Because when the corrupt are in charge, they always look for honest peons to hire.


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